Update - part of my search came up with pond tubing so rummaged through my storage trunk of pond stuff and found that 16mm OD 12mm ID fits! I suspect it could be an imperial equivalent. It's obviously not steel reinforced but it will do for now until I can find better stuff.
I've bought an old 1950's or so Boxford Union drill that has been bodged when converted from 3ph to a single phase Crompton Parkinson motor. This motor has its junction box around the back whereas the pictures I have of the 3 phase Union here show it on the side.
Boxford Drills (lathes.co.uk)
Consequently the corrugated steel conduit doesn't reach the motor junction box and has been held up with a bit of wire and tape. Also the junction box has been hacked so I need to repair or replace it in a way that will take a new connector that will take the new sleeve.
Here is a pic of the offending bits, the back of the metal box is curved to fit against the motor:
Any ideas for finding, fixing or having a new junction box made? I don't have the metal working tools to do a good job of making one myself and the metal looks like some sort of alloy.
The conduit sleeve screws into the solid brass connector that screws into the drill body and looks to be imperial (I don't have an imperial vernier) but the cable gland measures approx 16.5mm which doesn't equate to any standard imperial fraction I can see. It does screw neatly into the cable gland which I would like to keep:
Any ideas where to look for a replacement that will fit into the existing gland?
I've bought an old 1950's or so Boxford Union drill that has been bodged when converted from 3ph to a single phase Crompton Parkinson motor. This motor has its junction box around the back whereas the pictures I have of the 3 phase Union here show it on the side.
Boxford Drills (lathes.co.uk)
Consequently the corrugated steel conduit doesn't reach the motor junction box and has been held up with a bit of wire and tape. Also the junction box has been hacked so I need to repair or replace it in a way that will take a new connector that will take the new sleeve.
Here is a pic of the offending bits, the back of the metal box is curved to fit against the motor:
Any ideas for finding, fixing or having a new junction box made? I don't have the metal working tools to do a good job of making one myself and the metal looks like some sort of alloy.
The conduit sleeve screws into the solid brass connector that screws into the drill body and looks to be imperial (I don't have an imperial vernier) but the cable gland measures approx 16.5mm which doesn't equate to any standard imperial fraction I can see. It does screw neatly into the cable gland which I would like to keep:
Any ideas where to look for a replacement that will fit into the existing gland?
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