Get hold of two 12 x 2 pine planks long enough for the job. Practice edge jointing them.
You can have two attempts, by jointing each of the four edges. If you don't get it right, rip afresh and keep on until it comes.
I find that the width of pieces to be rub jointed does make a slight difference to the feel of making this joint. So, once your practice pieces get less than 8" wide, buy some more 12" wide stock. But I bet you won't need to. I'll stand to be corrected, but I think you'll find it will become easier and it's the only way to learn.
Joining the oak will be slightly more difficult, so when you move over to the oak, you should aim to have pieces wide enough to allow you more than one try at the joint.
Go for it. When you have mastered it, don't throw out the pine. It might come in handy! :mrgreen:
For the lengths of joint you are going to work, I would suggest you need at least Numbers 5 and a half and No. 7 Baileys.
Good Luck