I have made my first table saw sledge and getting totally obsessed with accuracy, I think it's the lockdown mentality finally pushing me over the edge.
Using the 5 cut method, on a board 27.5mm long the differences between point A and B was 0.05mm, divided by the 4 cuts = .0125 and divided by the length of cut = 0.00045.
My pivot point is 90cm so the adjustment is 0.041mm.
Try and try again was something I was told but all I am getting is frustrated, Please confirm I am mad for trying to get better, as trying everything on my squares says this is acceptable?
Using the 5 cut method, on a board 27.5mm long the differences between point A and B was 0.05mm, divided by the 4 cuts = .0125 and divided by the length of cut = 0.00045.
My pivot point is 90cm so the adjustment is 0.041mm.
Try and try again was something I was told but all I am getting is frustrated, Please confirm I am mad for trying to get better, as trying everything on my squares says this is acceptable?