New member
I have promised the kids a tree house and even though I failed every woodworking exam I ever took I am determined to succeed. Having found a couple of sites that have given me ideas I am ready to go shopping for the wood….AH !
1st problem…. What sort of wood do I buy ? it obviously will need to withstand East London rain storms and tropical heat that we experience annually. Do I go into the nearest store and buy the cheapest 2 x4 and worry about coating it with something once it is built or are there other options ? – OK so this may sound a bit dim but with a little help from the experts (i.e you lot who know about woodwork because this is a woodwork forum) I can and will succeed. If you’re really nice I’ll put up some pictures whilst I go along to show you what an idiot who knows nothing can achieve.
C’mon then people of internetland, show me what you’re made of. I have plans, I have tools I have the will to succeed and I have a tree.
1st step ….buy wood make 4 legs from 2x4- dug in the ground and ready to fix a platform on.
All messages of support welcome.
I look forward in making your internet lives a little more interesting.
I have promised the kids a tree house and even though I failed every woodworking exam I ever took I am determined to succeed. Having found a couple of sites that have given me ideas I am ready to go shopping for the wood….AH !
1st problem…. What sort of wood do I buy ? it obviously will need to withstand East London rain storms and tropical heat that we experience annually. Do I go into the nearest store and buy the cheapest 2 x4 and worry about coating it with something once it is built or are there other options ? – OK so this may sound a bit dim but with a little help from the experts (i.e you lot who know about woodwork because this is a woodwork forum) I can and will succeed. If you’re really nice I’ll put up some pictures whilst I go along to show you what an idiot who knows nothing can achieve.
C’mon then people of internetland, show me what you’re made of. I have plans, I have tools I have the will to succeed and I have a tree.
1st step ….buy wood make 4 legs from 2x4- dug in the ground and ready to fix a platform on.
All messages of support welcome.
I look forward in making your internet lives a little more interesting.