So I'm working on a slab of oak, done the cross grain work, done the skew cutting and switched to the #7 to work along the grain. I'm checking periodically with the long straight edge to see where the high spots are, when it happens.... just when you think you're JUST about there... that sickening judder... lift the plane off the board and sure as hell.... hoochie coochie dance steps all over the place (tear out to the handraulicly challenged). The Mk1 grouchy stomp outa the workshop was put on hold due to the high potential of impaling my butt on a half dozen sash clamps on the project in progress...
So I'm having a cig break, trying to figure why this damn plane can work fine one minute and tear out the next when the only thing that's variable is the effort I'm putting into eash stroke... when it comes to me. The damn thing's flexing in the middle.
The rest of the afternoon is spent repairing the damage and discussing whether or not to try to upgrade the #7 with after market blades / cap irons or to replace it. It doesn't take too long to figure that no matter what blade is in it, it's still gonna flex......
So I reach for the Bible; Gosple according to Axminster... 3 choices come to mind.
Do I spend £200+ on a Clifton
Do I spend £300+ on a Lie Nielson #7
Do I spend £350+ on a Lie-Nielson #8
From what I've read, cliftons are liked by their users... but then, so are Stanleys among the die hards.... to me, £200 is a chitloada cash to spend on a "suck it an see"...
So I'm still undecided... log on when the arms have cried enough for one night..... download my mail.... and there..... right before my eyes.... an e-mail from God Himself..... Mr Thomas Lie Nielson......
I'm sat gawping at it for 5 mins before I opened it...(I swear I'll never clean the mouse again)....
Surely this is a "sign"...????
So I'm having a cig break, trying to figure why this damn plane can work fine one minute and tear out the next when the only thing that's variable is the effort I'm putting into eash stroke... when it comes to me. The damn thing's flexing in the middle.
The rest of the afternoon is spent repairing the damage and discussing whether or not to try to upgrade the #7 with after market blades / cap irons or to replace it. It doesn't take too long to figure that no matter what blade is in it, it's still gonna flex......
So I reach for the Bible; Gosple according to Axminster... 3 choices come to mind.
Do I spend £200+ on a Clifton
Do I spend £300+ on a Lie Nielson #7
Do I spend £350+ on a Lie-Nielson #8
From what I've read, cliftons are liked by their users... but then, so are Stanleys among the die hards.... to me, £200 is a chitloada cash to spend on a "suck it an see"...
So I'm still undecided... log on when the arms have cried enough for one night..... download my mail.... and there..... right before my eyes.... an e-mail from God Himself..... Mr Thomas Lie Nielson......
I'm sat gawping at it for 5 mins before I opened it...(I swear I'll never clean the mouse again)....
Surely this is a "sign"...????