A Sheraton-Style Leg in SketchUp


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SketchUp Guru

Established Member
12 Apr 2005
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Rochester, MN USA
I was doodling around trying to learn how to use SketchUp and this fell out. :oops:


It's based on a leg that Philip C. Lowe is doing in the Video Workshop series on FineWoodworking.com.

Would anyone find a tutorial on drawing this thing of interest?
It's not something I want to make\draw but always interested in your tutorials Dave. Always pick something up. It's remembering that's the trick. ;)
Drawing it is interesting but I'd be equally interested to know how you'd make those tapered variable radius flutes on the product too :)
Thanks all. I'll work something up that will explain.

Robert, I expect you'll be pleasantly surprised about how easy those tapered reeds are.
Dave R":e9k3vzi6 said:
Would anyone find a tutorial on drawing this thing of interest?

No, no interest here at all. None. Move along please, nothing to see here.

Now then Chris, tell me about those Aliens...
Well the bits that rfall out of my Sketchup never look like that! :shock: It would take me about two months to produce something as good as this.
Well, after seeing that fellow is doing woodworking, who cares about my little Sheraton leg? I want to see what he does.

I tried something a little different this time as far a presenting this. I don't know if it works. Hopefully you can get what you need out of it.
It's a nice Tutorial - I think it is harder to follow that your regular videos since you describe quite a lot of stuff without the image changing. As you say at the end, it's probably not a beginner's exercise.

I hadn't see the method of hiding a join seam that you described, before.
Thanks Chris. I may have to re do it. I was having some difficulty with the video capture so I went for stills. Then I ended up with way too many stills to post on the blog. If I can get the video thing fixed, I'll reshoot it.

As far as the hidden seam thing goes, did it make sense that the faces abutting the seam line have to be coplanar?
I followed the drawing part easy enough which was the main thing. The importing jpegs and setting a scale to them stuff at the beginning needed more effort to follow. it felt like the slideshow had got stuck which broke concentration somewhat :)
Dave R":12lakyz7 said:
As far as the hidden seam thing goes, did it make sense that the faces abutting the seam line have to be coplanar?

Dave, it was quite clear from your explanation and images that this was how it needed to be although an explicit statement to that effect in addition to just mentioning edges might be helpful.

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