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UK Tool Junkie...
UKW Supporter
15 Mar 2024
Reaction score
Benton, Pennsylvania, USA
Hello Brothers,
If you require high-quality replacement parts for Stanley (and probably Record as well) planes, please follow the link below to "WOODYAH" products.
The owner is Anthony Cimagli. He is very responsive to email contacts ([email protected]) and makes excellent quality products. I have made several purchases over the past year. He continues to add products to his line of replacement parts and accepts requests to add to the line.

Hello Brothers,
If you require high-quality replacement parts for Stanley (and probably Record as well) planes, please follow the link below to "WOODYAH" products.
The owner is Anthony Cimagli. He is very responsive to email contacts ([email protected]) and makes excellent quality products. I have made several purchases over the past year. He continues to add products to his line of replacement parts and accepts requests to add to the line.

Nice source!
Their shipping and Info page states "At the time we are only shipping to America.". Hopefully they are successful and able to ship worldwide in the future.

Useful resource. Thanks @BentonTool for posting.
I did not realize that... however, I have been in touch with Anthony, and he has expressed an interest in perhaps joining the group and investigating shipping to the UK.
He just fabricated nickers/spurs for the Stanley 39 planes; soon to be released...
I did not realize that... however, I have been in touch with Anthony, and he has expressed an interest in perhaps joining the group and investigating shipping to the UK.

I don't understand why it is that hard to ship from the US that it "needs investigating"? I used to ship cameras worldwide everyday particularly to the US without a problem. If the customer is happy to pay for the additional shipping and taxes etc then I don't understand why many sellers in the US are still reluctant to ship worldwide?
This isn't a dig at the owner of this website but seems a common trend amoungest American sellers.
I don't understand why it is that hard to ship from the US that it "needs investigating"? I used to ship cameras worldwide everyday particularly to the US without a problem. If the customer is happy to pay for the additional shipping and taxes etc then I don't understand why many sellers in the US are still reluctant to ship worldwide?
This isn't a dig at the owner of this website but seems a common trend amoungest American sellers.

I too am with you on this question, I wanted some lathe parts from US but he would not ship to UK, I had them ordered and delivered to a friend in Canada then he shipped them to me in the UK.
Maybe the big orange F will sort it all out.
I don't understand why it is that hard to ship from the US that it "needs investigating"? I used to ship cameras worldwide everyday particularly to the US without a problem. If the customer is happy to pay for the additional shipping and taxes etc then I don't understand why many sellers in the US are still reluctant to ship worldwide?
This isn't a dig at the owner of this website but seems a common trend amoungest American sellers.
I cannot speak for Anthony, but I can tell you that his company is a relatively new venture. Perhaps he is expanding slowly. Having shipped out of the USA myself, I can tell you that it is more involved... there is more work at the Postal Service; there are US Customs forms to be executed, etc.
I have high hopes this will come to pass and he will ship more widely.
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Colis Expat is worth a try. Sure I’ve mentioned it on here before. They give you a USA address that your supplier ships to then they consolidate any other packages for you, quote you for courier shipment and then despatch it to you. Used them quite a few times. Works perfectly.
Colis Expat is worth a try. Sure I’ve mentioned it on here before. They give you a USA address that your supplier ships to then they consolidate any other packages for you, quote you for courier shipment and then despatch it to you. Used them quite a few times. Works perfectly.
I collect American watches and clocks. Frequently sellers are reluctant to ship outside US.
I have a good contact in another forum who has helped me out several times by buying stuff on my behalf, then sending it on to me.
Other sellers use the E Bay global shipping programme, and it seems to work very smoothly.
Not sure what is involved at their end.
I had a period of selling stuff on eBay to get rid of the huge amount of inherited stuff we had built up. Some of it went all over the world. Used to be quite cheap if done surface mail for heavier stuff. Not tool related, but my OH has a liking for silver jewellery from a company in America. I have often bought pieces for her. They come often quicker than orders from the UK.
Not that it has any relevance due to the above, but there is a business called Stackry that uses an address in the US and they will forward items directly to you. Mentioned in case anyone else is interested.
Good news.

PS- “England” ?? Something I see and hear often from many US people. Don’t forget Scotland, Wales, NI. : )
Sorry Noel... I will have to plead ignorance on the part of my compatriots...
I am perhaps more sensitive to this topic, and have substituted UK for England...
I am sure he can ship to the remainder of the UK.
BTW, I remember an interview given by Tom Jones, the singer, a long time ago...
He was asked if he was English...
He became indignant, and replied "No, I am Welsh!"... never forgot it! :LOL:
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