From a true artist and a lock keeper on the Canal du Midi not far from here at a place called Pucheric. He does all sorts from junk bits of metal, wood or anything that he can find..
I don't think that his saw is blunt either :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
What's not real about it? :? Some folk cut there noses off to spite their face, as the saying goes. This guy just has a twisted sense of what he smell through peut etre :lol: :lol:
As for the blutak "art" - I might have almost bought that and made a plexi box for it (I happen to have come into quite a large supply all of a sudden, thanks AndyT!) and maybe encase it in resin to immortalize it as a testament to the human condition
I should have bought that "angled screwdriver" that came up a while back for the same reason