About 35 years ago my dad and his friend managed to get to measure a Mackintosh bed at Hillhouse Museum that had a connection with the great man in Helensburgh. Someone had asked my dad if he could build them one for a relation that was coming over from America on holiday. My dad could have built anything out of wood so he took the project on. It was not finished in time and has sat inside his workshop for the last 35 years where it has got water damaged at the 4 uprights and it should have another cross rail on the bottom of the smaller one to make it the same height as the back one. My questions are ... Has anyone got a photo of the original bed to show me what it looks like when finished? What kind of oak is it made out of? And the really hard question, is there any one out there that that can take this project on to get it finished? The hard work is done already. I am really looking for someone in central Scotland that can do this. My dad passed away last December and would like to get it finished as a tribute to him. Have looked on the internet but just can't see one the same as this... I'm guessing my best chance might be to try and get into the Mackintosh Museum but it's closed because of Covid and it might be years before it is open again! If anyone has a connection to anyone that could maybe get me in to view that would be good