35mm film scanning


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Established Member
10 Jan 2007
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I have a number of 35mm negatives and transparencies that I wish to save in digital format. I was thinking of sorting them out and possibly sending some away to a pro lab.

Spotted this recently and was wondering has anyone had any experience of this type of film scanner and if it is worthwhile - quality etc.

It does seem a little too cheap at £60 and limited to 5mp maybe not enough! Then of course when everything is scanned it becomes redundant.

Any thoughts?

Cheers :)
If you don't have a scanner you would be better off getting a sccanner with film/negative facilities. A dedicated film scanner is, as you say of limited life as far as usage is concerned.
My local camera shop recently put eight rolls of film onto cd for me for about a fiver as I recall. You might find a shop local to you will do similar.

Cheers Mike
Thanks for your replies

Bodrighy - My scanner died recently otherwise I would have bodged something up "smoke and mirrors" :) . Must admit hardly used it anyway! So I will give it some thought but think I will go for the option you suggest of a scanner with film/neg facility if I just cannot live without a scanner.

mr - Think I will give my local shops a chance to see what they can do certainly worth it at the prices you got, and the money I save can go in the new tool fund :)

Cheers :)
3600 dpi enhanced to 7200 by software is pretty poor for 35mm films. You need at least four times that to get anything decent otherwise the quality of your scans won't be worth saving.

FWIW I did a whole load of scans at 14400 dpi and they are reasonable, meaning I can blow them up to about B5 size and the quality isn't too bad. pretty cr*p compared with the original slides, though. Think about it - a slide isn't much more than an inch anyway and when projected they go up to at least 5' wide and still look great. Try that in digital! Still can't be done...
White House Workshop":2kievplz said:
3600 dpi enhanced to 7200 by software is pretty poor for 35mm films. You need at least four times that to get anything decent otherwise the quality of your scans won't be worth saving.
You are right of course - had not considered the small size of the original and the need for very fine dpi. I know that a few pro scanners can offer very good resolution but at such a premium price I think I will be better looking for a company that has invested high res systems.
On the other hand my pictures are not exactly "Fine Art Photography"

Cheers :)

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