I want to get an engineer's vice but am not sure what size of a one I need. I can't see it being used for anything more strenuous than holding threaded rod to have its end peined, holding bits and pieces while I clean them with a wire brush on a drill and possibly securing bits of metal for cutting, grinding and bending. Most vices for sale seem to have jaws in the 4" to 6" range but I'm wondering if even a 4" isn't too much for a home hobbyist. You see, I've seen the odd small 3" vice and they're a bit cheaper - but would one this small suffice for home use or can they be a bit lightweight?
There also seem to be three additional features on engineers vices - all of which never appear on any one vice on the market. These are a built in anvil, a quick release lever and a swivel base. Which of these are worth looking out for and which are needless gimmicks?
For the size of vice I'm looking at I can't see a quick release lever being of much benefit as the jaws are unlikely to open far enough to make screwing them closed again a chore. The anvil seems like a good addition but they're often so small as to make you wonder if they're any real substitute for a separate stand alone version. Plus, I wonder would the cast in vices at the cheaper end of the market stand up to being whacked with a 2lb ball pein hammer? As for the swivel base I have visions of these being a poor and wobbly fit on a cheaper vice. Furthermore, what's to stop you taking the item out of the jaws and simply turning it around as opposed to rotating the entire vice?
Anyway, learned advice appreciated... :wink:
Ps, I've come across some vices made from ductile iron (like the LN/LV planes). Given that the grey cast iron in the cheaper vices could well be a bit green would something in ductile iron be a better bet as it's unlikely to break/chip with hammering?
There also seem to be three additional features on engineers vices - all of which never appear on any one vice on the market. These are a built in anvil, a quick release lever and a swivel base. Which of these are worth looking out for and which are needless gimmicks?
For the size of vice I'm looking at I can't see a quick release lever being of much benefit as the jaws are unlikely to open far enough to make screwing them closed again a chore. The anvil seems like a good addition but they're often so small as to make you wonder if they're any real substitute for a separate stand alone version. Plus, I wonder would the cast in vices at the cheaper end of the market stand up to being whacked with a 2lb ball pein hammer? As for the swivel base I have visions of these being a poor and wobbly fit on a cheaper vice. Furthermore, what's to stop you taking the item out of the jaws and simply turning it around as opposed to rotating the entire vice?
Anyway, learned advice appreciated... :wink:
Ps, I've come across some vices made from ductile iron (like the LN/LV planes). Given that the grey cast iron in the cheaper vices could well be a bit green would something in ductile iron be a better bet as it's unlikely to break/chip with hammering?