I love this idea KevRecieved!
Today whilst i was painting some components, i was thinking.... maybe next year we could try to have a forum wide effort to make a load of wooden toys or something and donate them to out local food banks just before xmas?
If we are smart about it, we could pick a few relatively simple designs or have an open thread for suggestions? Im sure we all have scraps we can use, so it largely doesnt have to cost much, just time... whadda ya think?
https://youtube.com/c/JolienBrebels this lady creates some lovely kids toys
And the best bit is if we started now and made a toy every now and then when we have a few scraps and a little spare time we could all combined potentially have a couple hundred toys to send outIt could even be possible for some clever pipper with cad to do a couple of 'templates' that can be printed off at home and double sided taped to the workpiece and cut out..... like a toy car shape, or @Kittyhawk could do an airplane making course for us allid sign up for that!!!
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