It all sounds like hard work to me.
It's all hard work, or at least doing things by hand should be. Traditional ways of working have been lost by the need to do this, do that, quick as you can. Maybe thats fine in an industrial setting or a commercial cabinet makers, but outwith that hand skills are where its at, as some on this very forum with testify(not me, I haven't the time

But if you think back on to how things were made, for example coachmakers, who had a plane for everything, the time and the skill always sat with the makers. If it takes that long it takes that long and I do know of some cabinet makers who have customers on their books who may have to wait 2 or 3 years for their piece to get made. Not because it takes that long, but because theres other customers in front of them.
I can understand the love these days of hand skills, I've been down that road myself, and while it took a lot of time, and a lot of effort,blood,sweat and certainly tears, the satisfaction and pride in completion far outweighed the profit gained from it.