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  1. tombo


    Our household insurance is due for renewal and was wondering what cover we had last year for my tools in the garage. Turns out it was just £1000 :shock: Now i don't think i have a lot but... I used the axminster page and added what i could find on their website to the shopping cart. Of the...
  2. tombo

    Lie-nielsen block plane mouth adjuster not working

    super glue it is then, if it does not take i'll break out the hammer
  3. tombo

    Lie-nielsen block plane mouth adjuster not working

    Ahhh... mystery solved thanks alf so whats the best way to jam it back in? I could squeeze the lever in a vice close the hole a bit or perhaps superglue as Jocob suggested
  4. tombo

    Lie-nielsen block plane mouth adjuster not working

    I just tried to tweak the mouth on my block plane and it was not working. The pivot pin has dropped inside and is not engaging with the lever. Here you can see that the pin is flush with the top of the pivot hole. I took it apart to see whats going on, but i think a piece is missing that...
  5. tombo

    Lost my Mojo

    Its been literally months since i have been into the workshop to do anything worthwhile, i just could not get motivated. In fact its probably a year since i posted anything on the forum. Last week my son asked if i could make an electric guitar for him, and after a bit of research i found a...
  6. tombo

    Notice Board help

    Hi spanner monkey, I too was volunteered to build two of these for my sons school, i have since made one for a local park. I put them in 2008 and they still look great These things got heavy and you will need transport to get them to site. I still have my sketchup drawings if you think it will...
  7. tombo

    wooden ferrari engine

    i'm a petrol head and love woodwork but i cant see the point of this :? wooden ferrari engine tom
  8. tombo

    table from a single piece of wood...

    click the "watch video" button
  9. tombo

    ultimate block plane?

    Looks like a space age F1 car...:shock: for collectors only methinks as it would be cheaper to own two LN block planes but cool anyhow Click here if you dare for a price
  10. tombo

    bessy clamps for sale

    I have... 2 uniclamp UK60 2 lever clamp G25H Looking for 1/2 best online price plus postage, I can drop off within reason in merseyside or coventry areas Tom
  11. tombo

    nuneaton axminster store + iphone = youtube

    somehow i dont think the bbc will call me when they are looking for a new reporter :? Tom
  12. tombo

    Woodfest, North Wales

    i'll be there on sunday too :)
  13. tombo

    Another Tool Cabinet FINISHED FINAL PICS

    i'd have that in my living room, tools and all :D fantastic bit of work Tom
  14. tombo

    Curved kitchen revisited

    just fantastic, better still did you know the pictures made it to the parapan website? Tom
  15. tombo

    anyone using a folding rule?

    I used to think they were a relic of a bygone age and only used by old school woodworkers But the more i think about it the more i want to try one. So has the tape measure totally replaced these old measuring tools?
  16. tombo

    electric handplane

    if scrit was still around i'm sure he'd say these type of machines are as old as the hills but ive never seen one before. ... re=related
  17. tombo

    would you let someone use your shop?

    I knew this was a can of worms, my plan was never to leave someone in my shop without supervision. But it would be nice to let them use all the tools from chisels to the table saw. I'm not trying to make any money from it, i just would like to share my enthusiasm with a like minded fellow...
  18. tombo

    North West Bash - Sat March 7th

    very romantic :wink: you do know what day the 14th is? anyway sign me up i'm sure the missus wont mint too much Tom
  19. tombo

    would you let someone use your shop?

    I have just discovered that a work colleague of mine has an interest in wood working but does not have space for a workshop till he moves house. I am dead keen to have a woodworking buddy at the office and have offered to let him try some small projects in my shop. But suppose he does something...
  20. tombo

    ukelele build

    My lovely wife got me this kit for xmas all the hints must have worked :wink: The kit is from one of our own forum members Pete Howlett, not only does he make instruments but he plays the heck out of them too have a look here. With all the cold weather i must admit i have lost my woodworking...