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  1. miguel_s

    Festool TSC 55 cordless plunge saw - Riving knife vs KickBackStop model?

    Thanks for the replies so far! The Mafell I've noticed isn't as readily available on the second hand market and seems to be more expensive than the festool generally. The best I'm seeing new for the festool is around £850 for the cordless saw, a couple of batteries and 2x 1400 rails, or around...
  2. miguel_s

    Festool TSC 55 cordless plunge saw - Riving knife vs KickBackStop model?

    Hi all, been lurking a good while but finally had a more specific question to ask. I've settled on picking up a cordless festool TSC55 track saw. I'm a relative beginner - just going the DIY route for cabinetry / built-ins at home. Mostly going to be using sheet goods but occasionally will be...