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  1. M

    Stainless steel splashback

    I've applied some butt and bead design mrmdf panelling to my kitchen as a splashback. Plan is to paint it with a good quality kitchen paint and silicone the edge to the worktop. However, I've had a lot of them come away from the wall. The wall is an insulated plasterboard and I used screwfix no...
  2. M

    Cooking oil

    I'd imagine the smell could be a little extreme if it went rancid? I have used old engine oil to treat some old fence panels at the rear of my property. That worked an absolute treat.
  3. M

    Help please, someone near Nottingham

    How nice to see people helping each other. Restores faith in humanity
  4. M

    Car tax / road fund licence

    The replies are always good for a chuckle on here. And as already mentioned twice, you're only responsible from the date you own the vehicle.
  5. M

    Learning woodwork from youtube

    If it gets a comment, good or bad, it's promoted all the more. Most YouTube channels will purposefuly add contentious comments just to drive comments and/or arguments. Also, you'll notice deliberately mispronounced words or incorrect maths as this will drive multiple corrections. I'm noticing it...
  6. M


    Wow, this has turned into the most cynical posts I've read. However, I also agree that we're unlikely to be in a better position no matter which clown makes their way into Downing Street. We can only hope for a better establishment next time......
  7. M

    Budget mitre saw with forward facing rails

    Wow that's a great find, I've been in the market for the makita as well but haven't found one at a reasonable price. I may save up and buy myself one eventually, I'm a bit of a makita fan anyway and have several of their range. The other consideration was a capaex which is still a contender for...
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    So it happened.........what next

    I briefly explored this option when I was with the ex wife, maybe one to revisit.
  9. M

    So it happened.........what next

    I am aware of GIST on 2 fronts. I worked there many years back as a stop gap for an agency. I think i was there 2 weeks but as it was agency, I left for a permanent contract elsewhere. Some years later, It's nice to know someone with a positive view of the company they work for, that really...
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    So it happened.........what next

    The IOSH course was an IOSH accredited managing health and safety at work course. Consultant work would be a great thing to do, so I can look at the additional education to gain the letters required.
  11. M

    So it happened.........what next

    Thanks Howard, I was involved in the use of copilot at work, Microsofts AI assistant. I'll take a look at the site and will use it to help, thank you.
  12. M

    So it happened.........what next

    Thanks Nick, I appreciate the support. Time will tell how everything will work out. I've started making steps with the various websites. You're right though, for every door closed, another opens. The sun is already shining today so that makes the world a better place. Options are abound, I'll...
  13. M

    So it happened.........what next

    Thanks Jacob, I'm on your page here completely. As I mentioned, bills are tracked quite closely. I've never missed a bill in my life, and won't start now. I'll visit job centre on Monday to find out what's available nowadays. I'm already in a little debt on 2 credit cards due to the ongoing and...
  14. M

    So it happened.........what next

    A day at the beach is a great idea. I'd planned to make today a day of "no work". I'm currently coming towards the end of a house extension, and I've been fitting the kitchen and building a media wall amongst many other random tasks, ergo 99% of my free time has been taken with DIY tasks.
  15. M

    So it happened.........what next

    I love the idea, and think about it quite often. But I have the financial fear that may ensue with an extended gap in my CV. A couple of weeks might be not too much of an issue. Now I'm thinking 🤔
  16. M

    So it happened.........what next

    Thanks Triton, I own a bike and it's been sitting in the garage unused for quite some time. I used it a lot when I went through my divorce so it's a good idea to dust it down and get back out on the road. We have some great canals not too far away. I'm not one not to work, but a bit of free...
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    So it happened.........what next

    Thanks Fitzroy, I appreciate the feedback. All good solid advice, my thoughts are doing summersaults and sleep is difficult. But everything will be OK one way or another.
  18. M

    So it happened.........what next

    Thank you for the information. It's always good to hear the positive outcomes from a situation. Knowing there is light at the end of the tunnel helps. I'm considering lots of options at the moment. I would love a change, to do something more creative. My issue is, I lack creativity lol. I'm...
  19. M

    So it happened.........what next

    We do have a plethora of local warehousing and distribution in this neck of the woods. I'll consider similar, or a complete change of career. Thank you
  20. M

    So it happened.........what next

    Totally agree, struggling on with the cost cutting exercises has been tough. I'm hoping this will be a new beginning and a positive turn of events. Thank you