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    Jatoba washbasin stand

    Wow, what a shape! Getting that door to line up must have been a complete pain too. Looks brilliant.
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    Spindle Moulder Questions

    Hi, great to hear you are interested. The average day rate is around £450 plus travel, probably around £130 to Kent. This is for upto 6 people. I would suggest the possibility of training on other machines to make it more viable? If you wish to go down the City and Guild route then there is a...
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    Spindle Moulder Questions

    Well i work for a company based in Bristol that carries out apprenticeships in furniture and wood machining. We also offer either basic, refresher or City & Guild courses on woodworking machinery. They are tailored to suit but a normal basic session will consist of, rules and regs, setting of...
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    Spindle Moulder Questions

    If you are looking for training in basic use on your machine then let me know. I work for a company that carries out woodworking machinery training. You may find it expensive in one hit but if you can share it, or are willing to wait until someone is in your area then it should reduce it a bit.
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    yes they are due to cull them here in the Forest of Dean. Its becoming a bit of a regular occurence to see them round here. We even had one in the garden drinking from the dogs water bowl. I dont think i would be too keen to come across one. They do make a really bad mess of the verges though...
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    Home cinema/Surround sound

    Well i looked into this a few years ago and got overwhelmed really. Its an expert area in itself. I just ended up getting the one that matched the rest of the stuff to be honest! The only factor i would say is essential is that the sub is powered independently, unlike the cheaper bose systems as...
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    Old job I'd forgotten about...

    wow nice work, did you say you constructed and fitted or only fitted the kitchen. It's a mammoth job either way. I actually like the layout of it, its different. In the past when using pippy oak we have only used it for panels and cornice with normal oak on the frames. I think it may be a bit of...
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    Vertical Wall Saw

    The main thing is to make sure its on a stable base. the bottom stop must be level horizontally and the frame checked to make sure it is not leaning out of vertical. looking from the front that is, it should lean back. If the bottom stop has a plastic or timber block then you can skim it with...
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    Dado blade - why not...

    Technically if you are using machinery for your hobby or home use then what is legal or illegal is irrelevant. The use of grooving tooling on a table saw in industry is covered under PUWER 98 (provision and use of work equipment regulations). Under this reg, firstly wobble saws are non...
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    TS guard question.

    A push stick is the key. Ideally you dont want to be getting your hands within 150mm of either side of the blade and using a push or push sticks for the last 300mm of a cut. These are industry regs anyway. If your putting enough pressure on the piece of timber to run the risk of your hand coming...
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    Curved sides Jewelry Box - How-to Video

    uh he would have to be a complete idiot to use a machine in that way. Im shocked and i hope to god no one even attempts to copy any of the methods he was using in that video.
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    Even your finest tooth saw will chip the melamime on the underside of the cut. There are a few ways to help it, you can Use masking tape along the cutting edge - bit hit and miss bt will help sightly Score the cut with a stanly knife - will stop the break out but will require some really...
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    He doesnt say its safe he states its safer. I totally agree with his comment. Holding a router by hand means both hands should be on the tool and not near the cutter. Inverting the router means both hands are free to come into contact with the blade. Plus there are added kickback issues if the...
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    Sap Wood and 'none' sapwood.

    Hi wayne, not a basic question at all, in answer to it, The amount of sapwood in a tree varies from tree to tree, depending on size or age. sapwood is the living part of the tree structure that transports nutrients and water from the roots making it perfect food for beetles and lavia. In...
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    Oak Chest

    Looks great Ed, very crisp. Is it going to go on legs or castors, or sit as it it is?
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    Best Plywood

    For interior use Birch ply is generally the best. If you need a clean face then AA grade is the best, although most places only stock AB or even BB. For external try marine ply.
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    drum kit

    That must be one big lathe to turn the bass drum! How does the drum sound in relation to other woods?
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    drum kit

    Wow i love it, I have been thinking of taking the wrap off my snare and veneering it, just to see how it would work. Did you build the shells yourself or take the wrap of and venner it?
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    Bent MDF

    The problem you have is the front of the doors have been sealed with the six coats but the backs are unsealed and can take on or loose moisture. This will make the MDF bow or cup almost as much as veneering one side and not balancing it. It is important to seal the backs as quick as possible to...
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    Curved Panel Kitchen Doors...(((WIP with pictures)))

    Hi Nick, you might find that wetting it makes the panel bend even more in the wrong direction as you are effectivley making the one side larger with swelling etc. I have never curfed a door panel, but i have used flexy ply with and then veneered it. I dont konw if this an option? I cant think of...