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  1. K

    ADSL2+ with only 6dB of SNR

    agreed, that is unless the broadband engineer manages to find the intermittent (voice) problem whilst debugging my poor sync rates (with his better gear and knowledge) . .... thats assuming its the same problem (which I suspect it is) I think my issues need a bit more attention than: *quiet...
  2. K

    ADSL2+ with only 6dB of SNR

    BE have done another line test, no problems shown. so we have 1) one BE test showing an earth fault 2) open reach attendance with no fault found (level 1) 3) BE test showing no fault BE have now reduced my line margin to 3dB, and I've seen almost a 1meg increase in speed, to now just above...
  3. K

    ADSL2+ with only 6dB of SNR

    bt , broadband via BE Steve
  4. K

    ADSL2+ with only 6dB of SNR

    it was cold, wintery showers, open-reach engineer really wasn't in the mood, I could tell. looks like I got an intermittent fault, over the last 2 days I've observed worst behaviour in the evening, my guess is either as the temp drops i get a short to earth somewhere in the twisted pair, maybe...
  5. K

    ADSL2+ with only 6dB of SNR

    open reach came out " no mate, my box says everything is ok" apparently no other noises (typical, there isn't when he was here :-( ), and the fact that sometimes Mrs KU has to dial 3 times before the far end rings is "unexplainable" apparently we need a "broadband engineer" who can test...
  6. K

    ADSL2+ with only 6dB of SNR

    don't think we go through a dax, no poles at all in our road (suburb), just a green junction box in the middle of the estate. the fact we can sometimes hear other people talking but not quite quite make out what they are saying is a big hint :-) a few weeks ago Mrs KU was also having problems...
  7. K

    ADSL2+ with only 6dB of SNR

    I think everyone has their own twisted pair to the exchange, the contention you mention is generally from the exchange to the backbone, i.e. contention for modem bandwidth at the exchange. anyhow contention has nothing to do with a noisy line. I seem to remember last time that the open reach...
  8. K

    ADSL2+ with only 6dB of SNR

    6dB of SNR isn't "quite normal" infact its only just within the normal operating range of most of the ADSL2+ routers, and the fact that mine re-syncs quite often supports that. I have just raised another ticket with BE, they have requested a line check, so I unplugged all my equipment, 5 mins...
  9. K

    ADSL2+ with only 6dB of SNR

    ok people I need some help on this one. I've been debugging adsl problems for a while but this one has me stumped, I think I've got a line problem but am struggling to convince open-reach. I'm with BE internet adsl 2+ budget service limited to 8meg, I don't live a million miles from my...
  10. K

    FLV files

    I design the chips some of this crap code runs on *tut tut tut* I also hate computers Steve
  11. K

    Just ordered one of these - Now received update

    I`m looking...... I thought the idea was to hear? at that price its bloody expensive too!!!!!! still not seeing the point over a lossless encoded track on an ipod classic Steve
  12. K

    Just ordered one of these - Now received update

    so whats the difference between this unit and say an Ipod classic with all CD ripped using a lossless codec? .. apart from not needing the computer to do the ripping, but I suspect with modern DVD/DC drives you'd rip a cd on a modern machine faster than 4 mins..... I'm missing the point Steve
  13. K

    hope they don't expect her to park it

    :lol: agreed, ironic that this particular specimen can fly a plane like that, yet Mrs KU struggle to park a car........ no dear turn the wheel the OTHER way.... :oops: Karen
  14. K

    hope they don't expect her to park it 8) Wendy
  15. K

    Overdraft Payments

    it wouldn't be so bad if you could actually CANCEL an overdraft. I don't want one, never need one. SO why everytime I cancel it with shatwest do they phone me up and tell me that they are "upgrading" my account and that I "qualify" for a £5K overdraft. This has happened too many time to...
  16. K

    DIY Dust Cyclone - backwards WIP

    to be completely honest, I never tried it without..... Steve
  17. K

    DIY Dust Cyclone - backwards WIP

    looking good!, I like the idea of the traffic cone 8) can't see inside the top, is there an air ramp to persuade the in-draft down and reduce turbulence rather than just spinning round and around in the top section? Steve
  18. K

    For sale or not for sale ? Poll

    NEVER EVER mention a dado blade around here *looking over shoulder* Steve um .......Doris
  19. K

    For sale or not for sale ? Poll

    *quietly* is he the fuzz? Beth
  20. K

    For sale or not for sale ? Poll

    here here! I wish more people (life in general) would concentrate on what THEY are doing rather than being bloody pre-occupied with what everyone else is up to. ..... I must remember to point this out when I next get tugged for speeding :roll: Henrietta