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  1. D

    Hanging Doors with Butt Hinges

    Well here goes a dumb question ..... :D I've fitted a number of cabinet / cupboard doors over the years but have always struggled to make sure that the gaps are equal when using butt hinges, I've just finished a welsh dresser and it was a painful task, where I ended up resorting to fitting the...
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    Milling Machine - Pictures added

    Stewart I would echo the views of everyone here, however I'm a model engineer first and then a wood worker, I have quite a large industrial lathe and milling machine and I find them invaluable. In fact my lathe is out of commission at the moment (due to moving house) and I'm desperate to get it...
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    Blum Tandem Drawer Slides

    If you trry the Woodfit Website they have a lot of technical specs for the drawers which I have found extremely useful in the past rgds Darren
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    Oak Panel bowing

    Mark I hope that I'll be able to get some photo's onto the site fairly soon, I have a list of projects now photographed that I haven't managed to get on there, ranging from a timber framed oak door canopy to a welsh dresser which the oak board are going onto to :D Bear with me work keeps...
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    Oak Panel bowing

    Just to let you know I managed to fix the issue I restacked them with sticks monitored the air temp and they went back by their own accord, not 100% but a lot better than they were. Thanks for the help as always :D Darren
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    Oak Panel bowing

    Thanks Mark - I'll leave them for a couple of days and see what happens, I only moved them for 2 days to another location and they bowed !! :( so with any luck they may go back as you mentioned. If not they may make good runners for a rocking horse !! :D
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    Oak Panel bowing

    I'm in a bit of a pickle and need some help !!! :( I've just bought some oak panels 28mm thick x 1800mm for a worktop for a welsh dresser for a friend, they have happily aclimatised over the last couple of weeks in the workshop however we've had a cold spell and the boards have bowed. One is...
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    I need a new Router Quick !!!

    I've been looking at the DeWalt stuff in recent days and my background is manufacturing / industrial engineering and a couple of years ago I went to Black & Decker to look at their automated lines. At the time they were talking about the new US brand of tools they were going to make called...
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    I need a new Router Quick !!!

    Guys thanks for all your help and comments, I'm going out today to get one with list in hand !! :D many thanks Darren
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    I need a new Router Quick !!!

    How about the Trend ones? are they any good? Also found a similar Ryobi to my last one and it's half the price of the Dewalt - is there a reason for this? as my last one was great and took a lot of use. I saw a Triton a couple of days ago at a local B&Q looks like that may be favourite at the...
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    I need a new Router Quick !!!

    Guys I wonder if you can help, I was in the middle of building wardrobes yesterday and my router gave way, I had a Ryobi 1800W which I have had for about 5 years (I'm already mourning its loss :( ), it may be something simple but I need to get cracking. I haven't had time to look and compare...
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    Garden office Plans

    Steve do you know if they come insulated as well? as we were thinking it could double up as a quest room? I had a look at the website and they look like just what we're after thanks Darren
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    Garden office Plans

    In a moment of beer fuelled bravado the other day I had a conversation with my wife about the fact that I didn't believe that there was £4k+ worth of wood in an off the shelf garden office. Well shes called my bluff and wants me to build one, the problem is I have no idea what building regs are...
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    3 phase machine motor

    Ozzy No problem, anytime :D rgds Darren
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    3 phase machine motor

    Hi I went through a similar exercise a couple of years ago with a 3 phase metal lathe that I converted to single phase (I do a bit of model engineering as well). I found the following books brilliant as they take you through everything you need to know - even bulding your own 3 phase converter...
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    Osmo Polyx or Danish Oil

    Thanks guys :D Looks like I'll go with the Osmo then Excellent advice as always :lol: Rgds Darren
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    Osmo Polyx or Danish Oil

    I'm looking for a bit or advice with the finish on an oak worktop on a painted dresser I am building for a friend. He's going to use this in the kitchen so I was thinking of using Danish oil and lots of it, however reading through the forum there seems to be a lot of recommendations for Osmo...
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    Wood Selection

    Doh!! - I knew that would be the ansswer :-) LOL
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    Wood Selection

    I'm building a door canopy for a period cottage / barn conversion and I want it to age naturally and go 'silver'. My initil thought was green oak as it does go silver with age and is doesn't need any real treatment due to it's hard wearing nature, but this is proving to be expensive as it is...
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    Mystery Draw Runners

    Hi Folks I'm a newbie to the forum's and would like some advice, I've been asked to build a painted welsh dresser for a friend as a wedding present, which I'm happy to do but he wants a drawer runner that he has seen which I haven't got a clue what it is so I thought I would ask to see if...