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  1. D

    Shaker Style Door design

    That's really useful and exactly what I need in fact the thread is very similar to what ultimately I will be doing in terms if the kitchen thanks Darren
  2. D

    Shaker Style Door design

    I'm just doing some drawings for a cupboard that eventually I will be building - the last welsh dresser I did took me 18mths!! :shock: But i've been thinking about the doors - I was going to build these as standard rail and stile doors using a T&G router bit - very simple shaker design...
  3. D

    Design rules

    I'm just starting to design a couple of pieces of furniture for the house (kids bedroom & kitchen) and I was wondering about drawers - are there any design guidelines for aesthetics? i.e. depth of drawer, thnkness of the sides, etc. the golden rule / ratio got me thinking rgds darren
  4. D

    Blum bits !!!

    Cheers guys I'll try Isaac Lord on Monday but failing that I'll go down the wood option, which I've done before but I thought I would try this as I've never used these before. I did go through the Blum Uk site which is why I was a bit frustrated No worries - I'll go down the strip of wood...
  5. D

    Blum bits !!!

    Does anyone know where I can get hold of an inset bracket 295.7130 and rear mounting bracket 295.3750.01 for fitting blum tandem drawer runners to face frame cabinets? I've spent ages on the internet today and it would appear the only place I can get them is the US - Surely there must be...
  6. D

    Cutting a square grid out of 6mm mdf -advice please?

    Can't you buy 6mm fret work mdf at B&Q? - I know you can definitely get it in my local timber yard - maybe not 2.5cm diamond but lots of other patterns as I have used it myself in the past to make radiator covers. Darren
  7. D

    Compressed air in the workshop

    I also have a compressor and use it all the time for nails guns, sanders, air drills, etc. I have to say though I agree with Mark they shouldn't be used for blowing anything about, I always use a dustpan and brush. I served my apprenticeship as an engineer in the Merchant Navy and I remember...
  8. D

    cabinet makers

    Funnily enough near me there is a place called Cockerham, which has an undertaker who is also a joiner - not only can you send off your nearest and dearest you can have a new set of windows done at the same time!! :lol:
  9. D

    Hand circular saw / plunge saw

    Where did you get it from with the extra guide rail?
  10. D

    Hand circular saw / plunge saw

    I have a home made guide at the moment but I'm now at the point where I need to produce longer and more accurate cuts. I think the pics may have sent me over the festo edge !! :shock:
  11. D

    Hand circular saw / plunge saw

    I have been looking at the festo kit longingly for quite a while now and I think fellas you may have tipped the balance in its favour :D I am intrigued with the Dewalt for £150 though, I'd never though of modifying batteries for it. The only piece of DW kit I have is a drill and the...
  12. D

    Hand circular saw / plunge saw

    Thanks for the advice guys, I must admit I am very tempted to get a track mounted saw as it would be so much easier, maybe I'll get one for xmas from the wife :shock: darren
  13. D

    Hand circular saw / plunge saw

    Hi I thought I would ask for a bit of advice, I'm looking around at the moment for a new circular saw. I'm a bit unsure what to get; I've looked at festool, dewalt and makita plunge saws but can't really see much of a difference between them except the price. I generally use it for ripping...
  14. D

    Oak Beam Finish

    Thanks for the feedback guys, I think I may polyox the beam as its in the kitchen and will end up full of dust / oil etc. and I can just hear swimbo talking about cleaning now in my head :shock: Many thanks Darren
  15. D

    Oak Beam Finish

    I've just had a wall knocked out and an oak beam fitted and I thought I would ask what would be the best thing to finish it? wax? PolyOx? Do I have to pretreat it to protect it from wood worm? Just wondered what you would recommend? Darren
  16. D

    Excellent service from Blum

    I just thought I would recognise the good service that I recieved from Blum I'm designing a larder unit for the kitchen and last night I asked Blum for some CAD drawings for their tandem drawer parts. First email I got this morning was from Blum with every CAD option available!! Excellent...
  17. D

    Help please.

    On another topic is your lathe an old Southbend? - It looks like the first one I owned when I first started model engineering - I never thought of making a pool cue on :shock: Darren
  18. D

    Oak Desk

    Hi - I found the following the construction is a bit iffy but the design of the oak table seems ok rgds Darren
  19. D

    Kitchen Table Construction

    Thanks for the information guys it has been extremely useful, I'll dovetail the joints and use mortise & tenons as well. I'll also have a look for the thread on apron depth as well, I must admit I was looking at the design today when I drew it up and didn't think I could get away with more...