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  1. D

    Axminster Ral Number

    Most of my equipment is of the Axminster variety and is therefore the usual white/greyish colour. However I'm in the process of refurbishing my metal lathe and wanted to paint it the same colour, and touch up some of my other kit - does anybody know the RAL number for the Axminster white/grey...
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    Laying floorboards over concrete floor.

    Hi I've just had to lay an oak floor in my bathroom and found this website forum really useful, one of the ways suggested to me was to use an adhesive to glue to boards directly to the substrate layer - I went with concealed screws eventually as I thought getting access would be an issue but...
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    Door Suppliers in Lancashire

    cheers Liam pencil at the ready !!
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    Door Suppliers in Lancashire

    Does anyone know where I can get some plain high gloss white doors approx 1400 x 500x 18mm in the north Lancs area. I'd prefer to buy them rather than build them, B&Q do some that are similar in dimensions but I'm not sure of the quality as I physically can't see them as they are on the...
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    Does anyone know...

    Have you thought about a portable magnetic drill? I used these when I was a fitter on steel work, i.e. clamp it to the machine and then accurate drilling. you can get these upto 50mm dia in steel and various depths, so I am sure they would be ok for 80mm in wood. Here is a link of the types I...
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    partner wanted

    Jim exactly right, when I was in manufacturing that was our mantra!!! :D :D
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    partner wanted

    I would agree with Wizer here on this subject as I also work as a business / operational strategy consultant in one of the Big 4 consultancies and people tend to work flexibly nowadays and it is increasingly rare for people to have a desk and if they do there are clear desk policies that tend to...
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    partner wanted

    Now that put a smile on my face :)
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    Metal working lathe

    Just found this - a bargain for someone really
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    Metal working lathe

    I have a larger lathe - A Harrison 11" which has a bed that will take work upto 48" long, again I got it second hand and it cost me about £250, the down side was that I had to refit a new motor which was fine though. My advice would be to get a second hand one which will be well bedded in, I...
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    Proxxon, Dremmel mini thingies

    Mike I have had a number of these things over the years as I have done all sorts of things from making Airfix kits for nephew, to dolls houses for my niece and model engineering for myself and recently architectural landscape models for my wife (she's a garden designer!) - James May would love...
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    Oak and Nail Guns..

    I used my nail gun with galvanised brads to tack and hold my mouldings onto my oak porch before I used stainless pins as it was awkward to get to as I didn't have a third hand, what I now have is very small black dots where the heads are/were very subtle to see but I know they are there :(...
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    Tools of the Decade

    Mike yes you are right they are digital calipers - often referred to as 'a set of verniers' by fitters, used as for accurate measurement instead of a ruler :lol: I'm just glad I never mentioned that when I was in the navy they came in handy as a very accurate adjustable spanner :shock: :lol:
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    Tools of the Decade

    Mine would be; 1) a digital vernier - I have my original which cost me a fortune when I was an apprentice, but now you can get them for £10 2) Air pinner - i can't imagine how much hammer rash and dents / hammer marks in wood this has saved me 3) Mill / Drill - again for those little bits of...
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    Advice on building kitchen cabinets and tools needed please.

    What do people think about using pine panels to make carcasses? I've found a supplier where I can get a 18mm x 600mm x 3000mm for roughly £20, so given that wouldn't it then be an option? I'd be interested to see what the group thinks of solid wood panels Darren
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    Plans For A Door Canopy

    I'll dig out my hard drive later and then I'll ping them over to you via a PM ( I think I can do that :? ) I should have them on there Also The holes above the lintle are old air vents as the house used to be an old hay barn, so it was to help ventilate the barn and dry out the hay. rgds...
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    Plans For A Door Canopy

    With photo's this time !! :oops: and another Still not fitted the oak caps I made for the bolts - must do that this weekend :roll: Rgds Darren
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    Plans For A Door Canopy

    I produced this about 2 years ago out of green oak I still have the plans on AutocadLT somewhere if you want them? I'll have to dig them out but they're on a hard drive backed up. :? and another shot from the side The only issue I had...
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    Design rules

    Thanks for the calculations and the links are very handy and will save me a lot of time :D rgds Darren
  20. D

    Shaker Style Door design

    I looked through your thread - the kitchen looks great!! I also really like the floor level drawers as well I've not seen them before. :) I think from the posts I will glue the parts in as they will definitely be mdf and they would be a bit more solid