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  1. B

    HELP I need a new desktop PC

    I switched to MAC when I got fed up with updates wiping my user profile, all the programmes I used are available on MAC now. I would have thought switching to QB online would be less hassle than your going through, but that's hindsight. My son picked up a refurbed M2 macbook air for £500, worked...
  2. B

    best pound for pound all round router?

    I have the unibase, had it for years, I had thought - but I didn’t check that the T7 would be compatible with the trend GB system. The Unibase can be made to fit, it uses the holes which attach the dust collector, which is a complete pain. There is a semi captive nut system in the plastic of...
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    best pound for pound all round router?

    I bought a Trend T7 early on during lock down, and really regretted it. The guide bush mounting isn't compatible with any Trend GBs, and is attached with the same screws as the dust collector, which is a real fiddle. It's also difficult to change bits with the dust collection attached. Brushes...
  4. B

    Your Favourite Tape Measure(s)

    I use an Axminster vice-versa, metric only, so it reads either way, and is printed on both sides, I find it much more convenient.
  5. B

    Maths help required

    I always do a small test sub prototype of anything that needs to be fitted to an external component to check the tolerances, then build up to the full design and then print. Doesn't remove all the risk of distortion/shrinkage under cooling, but usually saves a lot of time.
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    Cappuccino machine

    I use a Sage Barrista express, which is three years in, does 10+ double esspressos a day, and is brilliant, Lavazza Red from costco at under a tenner a bag. We rarely use the steamer but it does work well, expensive, but I have seen them in Costco for c £400 The pot stoves do work, had one for...
  7. B

    template software ??

    I use Fusion360 which is free for personal use, and if it's just for 2d templates you would just need a sketch. you can calibrate based on images, as described above. To print, there is a step needed to create a drawing, which is then printed. As mentioned above none of the CAD packages are...
  8. B

    Kity Bestcombi 2000 Planer Fence

    Looks like there is a weld between the bracket and the rod, and the bracket is bent compared to mine, as of it's been modded in the past. I'll try abd find some time for some pics for you in the next couple of days, Thanks for the pics of the fence, disappointingly small, i'll maybe not bother...
  9. B

    Sheppach/Kity BestCombi 2000 - accessories wanted

    Manual attached... good luck
  10. B

    Kity Bestcombi 2000 Planer Fence

    Thanks... The Jointer fence is different, it was an add on extra, it bolts onto M8 holes on the bed of the saw table, and can be adjusted Item 8 below. I've actually made one from Wood, which is a big improvement on the saw fence, but still would be good to get my hands on one of the metal ones.
  11. B

    table saw runners.

    Try this site here which offers a variety of 3d printed mitre bars, I have printed mitre bars myself, with my own 3d printer, and they slide very nicely.
  12. B

    Kity Bestcombi 2000 Planer Fence

    I've been refurbishing a Kity bestcombi 2000, and the version I have only has a saw fence which doubles as a fence for the planer. I have seen pics of a planer fence which bolts onto the saw bed, I guess this must have been an add on accessory, does anyone have any experience of these, or even...
  13. B

    Kity Bestcombi 2000

    Big thanks guys, been struggling with how to refit the pawls after stripping the machine down, couldn't figure out how they went back in....