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  1. C

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    I don't really make furniture, but for the people that gave me all those tools that I gave away recently, I made a pair of side tables...
  2. C

    Hammer machines

    I think Hammer gear is OK, but a little overpriced. I've heard positive things said about modern Startrite gear, but, as I understand it, that is aimed at Schools. It might be worth looking at the SCM /MiniMax range. I'm currently considering one of these
  3. C

    Hammer machines

    I have both machines and I don't remember having any real problems with either. I really like the Felder / Hammer blade change system on the plane. The bandsaw does its job but I'm not the biggest fan of the top guide system, it always seems a little wonky to me. I've never used the mitre slot...
  4. C

    Chris Schwarz's Handplane Essentials Book

    Was Chris Schwartz the one who wrote that book about making a totally impractical tool box, or was it that Cosman bloke? Someone lent me a copy and it left me a bit cold, as does all this lifestyle woodworking nonsense. The bit I seem to remember had the author waffling about a coping saw, I...
  5. C

    When does direct (e)mail go too far

    To be fair it's no real bother just deleting the email. Try going on the Felder website, if you've already bought something from them, and they have your contact details snared. I guarantee you'll get a phone call off 'your rep' within the hour :lol:. Strangely you don't get too many calls...
  6. C

    Chippie's Tools

    Hi Jamie, Soz, no messing about...the snow cleared and all work went mental. I'll get get the sliding bevel off as soon as, but the 5 1/2 has already gone. There's a rebate plane still up for grabs. Fancy it?
  7. C

    Best plane for a woman.

    Bit of a curious old thread, this one. I would have thought the best plane for a woman would be pretty much the same as the best plane for a bloke. Assuming the poor waif has the strength to haul the great lumbering tool out of the cupboard and over to the bench, and then manages to erect a...
  8. C

    Chippie's Tools

    The parcels I had addresses for went off this morning, either by Royal Mail (recorded) or Parcel Force. I think I've got everything right, but if there's any problems let me know, and I'll hide under the table until you've gone away. There's still a couple of bits that had been dibbed but have...
  9. C

    Chippie's Tools

    Oh and Jamester I could do with your address too.
  10. C

    Chippie's Tools

    Right then, I have a big pile of parcels to post out. Thanks to everyone for your really generous donations. I'm missing Garno's address and StraightOffTheArk we need to talk about the woodies as most of the irons are missing. Will someone remind me to not do this again? :D Cheers, Ed.
  11. C

    Chippie's Tools

    OK, I think I'm on top of this. I'm putting the parcels together now. I need addresses for Jamester, BMB101 and DBT85. If I've missed anyone who hasn't PMed me please let me know. Also; Vann if you want the four-cutter, I don't think I can ship it airmail :)
  12. C

    Chippie's Tools

    Hi sliding bevel is yours. I think there's a 5 also. Ed.
  13. C

    Chippie's Tools

    OK guys. I know I'm slow to respond, but the electric has been off all day. I've received everyone's PM apart from Sheffield Tony (send me your address and it's all yours). One small problem is I tried to order some packaging material off Amazon but it seems there's a bit of weather about, and...
  14. C

    Chippie's Tools

    What vice? You're welcome to the one on the front of my bench, as it's bobbins. How about a hand full of chisels, a really nice No 4, some marking gauges and you could have all the saws as all they're good for is sharpening practice for 35 quid?
  15. C

    Chippie's Tools

    There is. 18 quid to the nearest fish monger's retirement fund and it's on the way.
  16. C

    Chippie's Tools

    It's yours. Let me know what you think it's worth. Divide by two...and PM address and that.
  17. C

    Chippie's Tools

    Soz, I keeping the screwies. 60 quid seem reasonable for the plane (obvs payable to the nearest decent cause)?
  18. C

    Chippie's Tools

    ...but I kinda have all the tools I need, and I don't want this lot stuck in a box kicking 'round the workshop for ever. Andrew (the guy that gave me them) was convinced that his Dad would have wanted them used, so come on; roll up, roll up, roll up, someone make an offer on something . The...
  19. C

    Chippie's Tools

    Hi Andy, No worries. I must admit that I rely on machinery for the heavy lifting, but I really enjoy the hand tool element of wood working. Up until now I've survived with 3 bench planes...of which two where given to me by my Dad (No 4 and No 5 Record) and one I bought(QS LA Jack) when I was...
  20. C

    Chippie's Tools

    Only Monday to Friday, 8:00 to 17:00 :D Soz, perhaps I was being a little facetious. I'm not thinking of getting into woodwork, I'm there already!