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  1. C

    Spindle Moulder as Jointer?

    I tried it once but never really saw the point, as it creates more problems than it solves.
  2. C

    Coley style window

    If I buy 9 * 3 * 15ft a couple at a time I pay about £36 + vat per length.
  3. C

    Coley style window

    They won't get 3 number 9 by 1 out of a piece of 9 by 3...especially if it's to be PAR. I'd imagine, even if they've got a Gucci re-saw, the best they can expect is 2. Even if they could somehow make up for the saw kerf, 17p a foot for re-sawing and chucking it through the 4-cutter doesn't seem...
  4. C

    Taking a plunge to kitchen cabinet making

    I agree with custard, I obviously don't know your skill level and haven't seen your design but the thought of fitting a kitchen (if it is fitted rather than free standing) with anything other than bought in cabs sounds horrible. I've fitted a few. I sometimes make the doors and occasionally...
  5. C

    Record No 5 lever cap broke

    It's not really the risk, rather than eBay's customer service that I have issues with. A while ago (actually about 10 years...dunt time fly when you're having fun) I sold an overhand plane on eBay. The pictures showed up on eBay of the machine in my workshop a few years later, so I contacted the...
  6. C

    Record No 5 lever cap broke

    Again, thanks for the advice from everyone. I'm not really bothered about looks - it's a working plane and I wouldn't be bothered if it had a Fiat logo on the front and was bright pink, as long as it kept the blade in place. I've contacted Ray Iles who will hopefully have something but the...
  7. C

    Record No 5 lever cap broke

    I know, and I will if I must, it's just I've had some dealings with eBay and we fell out of love.
  8. C

    Record No 5 lever cap broke

    Just Record. Cheers for the info re: plating. My mate has got a No 4 with no plating so I thought it might be relevant.
  9. C

    Record No 5 lever cap broke

    Thanks, all, for the suggestions. Andy; I assume it's a lateish Sheffield made plane (but I'm about as far away from an expert on these things as it's possible to be). The lever cap has some sort of plating (chrome?) on it. I'll give some dealers a ring today when I get chance. Cheers, Ed.
  10. C

    Record No 5 lever cap broke

    As the title suggests the lever cap on my record No 5 broke in half today while refitting to the plane after honing. What are my options for replacing? I assume a new Stanley would work, but the pictures on the internet look like the castings(I'm assuming cast steel) are bobbins. Do Clifton...
  11. C

    How to make a skirting profile

    Well yeah, but how many overhand planes have a chip limiter block? I really don't see the reasoning, unless by 4 cutter your referring mech feed. Soz, I've had a Stella and I think I'm trying to find an argument. Peace and Love.
  12. C

    How to make a skirting profile

    I'd add the caveat, that if you're new to spindle moulders then stick to modern blocks and cutters. The first time I used a moulding machine it was all square blocks and balancing on a tool setting stand. It was a pain in the arse, but certainly made you understand when something wasn't right...
  13. C

    How to make a skirting profile

    OK, if was to do this slightly dodgy thing...and obviously I wouldn't: First I work out what profile I needed, then I mark it on a scrap knife: This looks awful, but bear in mind we're only cutting a couple of yards. Run the profile, with a powerfeed right close... Then do some of this...
  14. C

    How to make a skirting profile

    Well, bearing in mind this is a bit like back in the day, and I'm not 'working', I found an old Whitehill block & cutters in the back of the cupboard and ground the curves on them. Finished with a fancy Veritas rebate plane.
  15. C

    How to make a skirting profile

    I have to replace some skirting in a friends gaff. It's only a couple of yards that were terminated by a fitted unit during the original build. The profile is one I haven't come across before: I don't want to have knives ground for the spindle as they'd never get used again, and I don't have...
  16. C

    Wardrobe hinges

    I was wondering about that
  17. C

    Tenoner Refurbished?

    Never had much problem with my 5 head Dominion and it looked like a rust bucket when it arrived. The only expense was new heads to bring it up to regs, and a couple of cans of WD40.
  18. C

    Wardrobe hinges

    I have to make some replacement robe doors (9 in total) for some really well made fitted units. The customer (who also happens to be my accountant, so I'm trying to make an impression...y' know, no cash here and all that ) wants decent hinges and push to open thingummy bobs. Does anyone know...
  19. C

    Keruing Advice

    I'm sorry, I didn't mean to come across as a know it all. I just remember my Dad using it and thought I'd mention it...seemed be decent timber.
  20. C

    Keruing Advice

    When I were a lad it was my Dad's first port of call for commemorative benches for the local churches. I've no idea why it would be any harder on tools than any any other derivative of Dipterocarpus (I did have to Google that 'cos I'd forgotten). In fact, I think the first window frame I made...