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  1. M

    The World Cup - Indifferenteers thread

    On quite a few occasions we have had members asking other members to make it clear in the title what their thread is about, so that if it holds no interest to them they can bypass it. And this is fair enough, why should anyone read a post if for what ever reason they do not want to. Then we...
  2. M

    Sky net.

    I agree with you 100%, we had the freedom that no child will ever know again :cry: And in my case the only thing I thought might attack me on a dark night was a banshee. :D (An Irish family) Cheers Mike
  3. M

    Sky net.

    Your right Roy my mum or dad took me to school until I was 7 years old and from then on I used to catch the bus on my own each morning and then in the afternoon so that I could get some extra sweets I saved the bus fare and walked the 2 miles home. It was the same when my sister started school 2...
  4. M

    Sky net.

    For a start "What do you do with yourself" does not sound like a Londoner talking. But as I said we are proud of London and I will with draw from this conversation for obvious reasons. Goodnight to you Mike
  5. M

    Sky net.

    Well it could not have been born and bred Londoners who insisted that. Londoners are found the world over (I met a bloke in LA that I had not seen since we were at school) and although we are fiercely proud of where we were born, we live and let live, and never force our ways on anyone else...
  6. M

    Wheres the EZ Rail thread gone?

    Fill your boots pal and be my guest, just leave Niki out of it. Cheers Mike
  7. M

    Sky net.

    Yeah shes not to shabby is she :lol: Cheers Mike
  8. M

    Sky net.

    That's my man, sent back from the future to save mankind. Oi Steve don't forget to bring the tweezers for when I get a splinter, and don't tell anyone because they think I am well hard Digit wrote: Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 7:30 pm Post subject...
  9. M

    Wheres the EZ Rail thread gone?

    Even after being told you still will not leave the guy alone. Dino I think that for eveyones sake we better call it quit's, either that or lock the thread. Cheers Mike
  10. M

    Wheres the EZ Rail thread gone?

    Colin there is no apology needed. You asked what had happened to the EZ thread and Noel explained his reasoning. Cheers Mike
  11. M

    Wheres the EZ Rail thread gone?

    You say that it is wrong to talk about a man who cannot defend any accusations and then you carry on and do it, what a prat. Sorry if this offends other members, but as he said Niki is not here to answer his accuser Cheers Mike
  12. M

    Wheres the EZ Rail thread gone?

    Your welcome Karl. Now Niki was an inventor who very kindly went around the world wide web visiting different forums and giving away his safety devices for free and gratis. Cheers Mike
  13. M

    Wheres the EZ Rail thread gone?

    It may have something to do with Niki getting involved in previous EZ threads. Where he did not take kindly to EZ aka Dino getting around the ban by using another name. ... light=niki By the way Noel thanks for the explanation as to why you deleted the...
  14. M

    Sky net.

    Not as long as Billy Moffet (aka Studders) is about to protect we're not. Anyway the latest news is that dirty nappies caused the fox to enter the property. Cheers Mike
  15. M

    For sale: TS200, pic added : Sold to stevieB

    Sorry mate I knew the router was not included, but just took it for granted that the insert was. Even with no insert it is still a very good price :wink: Cheers Mike
  16. M

    For sale: TS200, pic added : Sold to stevieB

    Wow Pete for the money, a cast iron table saw with a stand (dust extraction built in) router table and insert, along with the sliding table, someone is going to get a great deal :lol: Cheers Mike
  17. M

    Wheres the EZ Rail thread gone?

    Get out of here you peasant. I'm no more dodgy then a nine bob note :wink: Matt wrote: Spot on Matt, a sponsor of this forum would get all the credibility needed to post and answer questions on their product. After all with 4000 world wide agents, and a new EU outlet, a few bob in...
  18. M

    Wheres the EZ Rail thread gone?

    Sometimes the rules do seem silly as I was really interested in that thread, and I didn't even get my questioned answered. But on the other hand rules are the rules, and we would soon be complaining if Billy Moffet from Smelly Shoes and Trainers Ltd invaded us with spam like they have done in...
  19. M

    Axminster discount codes

    Sorry mate but it looks like they have finished the sale where I got my bandsaw from, so the best I could find is slightly more (£160) then you wanted to spend ... =1&jump=44 ... 821422.htm I can assure you that...
  20. M

    Now if only I had the space......

    :lol: :lol: Cheers Mike