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  1. J

    Buying Advice - Cheap Scroll Saws

    Hi Dino Have you bought a scroll saw yet? I have finally saved enough money for a Hegner Multicut 1, which means my Rexon DTS16A is going spare. It is yours for what I paid for it - £50 - if you want it? It is a good little machine, a bit battered, but it does what it says on the tin. Rexon no...
  2. J

    Wax or varnish?

    Thanks for the tip about the Osmo Phil.p - it worked like a dream. I used the original in the end, rather than the raw, and it made the wood just a tiny shade darker. I have been looking for something to finish some coasters I have made and this will be perfect too. Thanks again, Jimi
  3. J

    Wax or varnish?

    Thanks, I'll check both of those out. Jimi
  4. J

    Wax or varnish?

    Hi all I know this is not quite the right forum for this question, but I know and trust people here. I have sanded my bathroom floorboards and really like the feel of the wood so don't really want to varnish it if I can help it. Does anyone know if waxing them would be a viable option, and if...
  5. J

    Hegner on Dumtree

    Hi all There is a Hegner Multicut on Gumtree in Salford for £120, Jimi
  6. J

    Word art in Inkscape

    Hi all Here is a fantastic video explaining how to make name plates, etc using Inkscape. ... Goodies%29 Jimi
  7. J


    Have you thought about selling on Etsy?
  8. J

    Hegner on Gumtree

    It has dropped down to £75 now! Jimi
  9. J

    Hegner on Gumtree

    Hi all Just a quick post - there is a Hegner on Gumtree for £120. Doesn't give much details, and is in somewhere called Burntisland. Jimi
  10. J

    Pigeon scarer wanted

    There is something in what Gill says - a shopping centre in Leeds used to have plastic owls near the ceiling to keep out the pigeons...
  11. J

    Fire service pattern help?

    I've seen this on etsy:
  12. J

    Hegner Scroll saw, big problem, need advise

    This might seem like an obvious suggestion, but have you tried contacting the person you bought the Hegner from, to ask how it got to be in that condition? Jimi.
  13. J

    practice pics (favour needed)

    Steve. I have the penguin pattern if you want to PM me your email address. I'd quite like a copy of the rabbit pattern if you get hold of one... Jimi
  14. J

    Callapsible baskets

    Martin, There is an easier way of doing it - make hearts of ever-decreasing sizes that fit into each other (like Russian dolls), then choose a node point to break apart the paths and join each to the next smallest one, making one continuous spiral path. Making the first heart (from which you...
  15. J

    Callapsible baskets

    Gill, I am still not entirely sure what you mean (I haven't had a go at cutting out anything that complicated myself), but I have had a play on Inkscape and created a flower head design with a spiral in the centre. If you PM me your email address, I will send you a pdf file. If that is the kind...
  16. J

    Callapsible baskets

    Hi Gill What do you mean when you say you would like to make the spirals fit shapes? Jimi
  17. J

    drawing software

    I feel very nervous mentioning this, what with all the talk of kicking and general computer angst, :) but I quite like Inkscape. I am a million miles away from being an expert, or even competent in it, but I use it for all my name templates. I find it much more useful than Word, with better...
  18. J

    Some Christmas cards from MDF

    These are fantastic! I am definitely going to have a go at making some, although I too tend to steer clear of MDF so will use ply. What type of glue did you use to glue on the cards? Jimi
  19. J

    Table saw alternative

    Yes, I have the thin strips already so a hand mitre saw would be a cheaper alternative. I'll put it on my Christmas list. Thanks, Jimi
  20. J

    Christmas Cat

    Baldhead Thanks for the video link - that looks amazing! I'll definitely look into that for other projects. Thanks, Jimi