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  1. S

    embroidery box with 13 drawers

    Well done devon, looks very well made. What finish will you use? :D Lee.
  2. S

    Turning Tools Cabinet

    Nice Barry, Can you make me one too. :wink: Lee.
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    And people wonder why they get their identities nicked...

    I am in the middle of trying to sort out who has spent £961 on our Visa card last month. They have been on holiday via easyjet and bought some Australian Dollars via as well as a Tesco Topup. The other companys have all said that they agree we were not present at the transaction and...
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    Crosscut sled for Table saw.

    I own a pretty cheap and nasty Performance Power table saw. :( It is quite powerful and does most things I need it for, apart from cross cutting. The Mitre fence that is supplied with it is terrible. You simply cannot make a square cut with it. It wobbles around so much, it can make a huge...
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    Record BS350 For Sale!

    No worries, thanks for replying anyway :o Do you not like the 350? Is that why you are changing? There seems to be a bit of a mixed bag with reviews. Cheers Lee.
  6. S

    Record BS350 For Sale! Is it this one? If you can budge a bit on the price I have been looking at getting one. Cheers Lee.
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    PLEASE READ! Your Competition feedback needed

    I like AndyG's idea. It would be interesting to see someone else be able to produce you're work from the article. It would also make a good online source of free plans and instructions for future new members.
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    PLEASE READ! Your Competition feedback needed

    I would love to enter a comp as long as the project was possible for a noob. The more experienced members would be best to suggest a project. Yep seems fair. Takes away the buddy voting issue (if there is one) I will help anyone if asked. I have scanner and webspace for hosting pictures etc...
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    Franklin "Ladder Chair"

    Oswaldo, Thats nicely done. Lets see the next project. :) Lee.
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    noise - I SAID NOISE!

    Just wondering what you guys use for hearing protection. If anything, when using the power tools. especially routers and stuff that makes a racket. Sorry I SAID HEARING PROTECTION :D I have loads of them foam earplugs that I wear when riding me bike. But in the workshop you can only use...
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    Workbench completed(ish)

    Good job. Looks Solid and more fancy than mine. You have skirting in you're workshop :o You must come from the posh end of town :wink:
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    Intro and First Project

    Matt, Where do you source you're Timber from? Is it Local? Cheers Lee.
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    Chisels? and Block Plane replacements.

    I'm new here, but I think I might have one foot over the edge of the slope already. :wink: I would like a set of bevel chisels for general work. I have these at the moment But I find they loose...
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    Intro and First Project

    Lessons :o Ha, I wish :wink: I've always got a pot of coffe on the go though. Lee.
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    Beech Unit, and Walnut Unit.

    :o :o :D :D Stunning! If only I could do that. Great work. Lee.
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    Second project

    Yeah Agreed :) Wish I'd done that, I do have a small gap at the back of the box. :( Devonwwody, Thanks for the suggestion with the hinges and the pin. I'll have a go at some hinges this week and let you know how I get on. I have some small pieces of walnut left over from the base of the...
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    Second project

    Thank you very much :o the only thing I've done before is fit some skirting in the house this year. I started making my bench in September after getting some books from the library. I was looking for a new interest. I find it very relaxing after my day job :D Lee.
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    Intro and First Project

    Thanks again for the warm welcome! Well I think I might be both a 'normite' and 'slope fodder'. :) In just past few weeks I realize that working with just hand tools is very satisfying and ripping a big slab of hardwood on the TS is also nice. The axminster catalogue is never far away, I I...
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    Second project

    Hello all, Well I have been told to not go back to lurkin. So I completed (almost) my first project(s) this weekend. That is if you don't count the bench I built first. I wanted to try making something from hardwood and doing some dovetails and a few other joints. So I made a couple of little...
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    Intro and First Project

    Thanks for the warm welcome :D Looks like we might have a few more bike nuts around here too :wink: don't worry, I don't let it get dusty. I have an outdoor cover which I leave on it even when its in the shed, keeps the dust off a treat. I also use a neumatic vacuum cleaner as a form of...