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  1. M

    Humerous Quotation

    I only have 8 fingers, so I have had it :roll: Cheers Mike
  2. M


    :lol: :lol: Cheers Mike
  3. M

    Sad news

    Sorry for you loss, our thoughts are with you and your family. Cheers Mike
  4. M

    Bedroom Tax

    As 2 members have already asked for it this thread is now locked Mike
  5. M

    Makita LS 1013 compound saw problem

    Their customer service is very good. It's in Milton Keynes 01908 211678 Cheers Mike
  6. M

    Possible war

    Why oh why would you want to start this all over again when you already have a 6 page thread which as Nev has said is going around in circles? Cheers Mike
  7. M

    For the Welsh on here

    a-possible-tool-cabinet-t69327.html :lol: Cheers Mike
  8. M


    Snap :lol: Cheers Mike
  9. M

    A Tough-Guy Legend.

    =D> =D> =D> Cheers Mike
  10. M


    Hi Dean, Welcome to the forum. Cheers Mike
  11. M

    Kids views on marriage

    Their not all your kid's are they Bob? :D That Derrick is a smart lad :D Cheers
  12. M

    BIG tv

    I was going to say that I would rather his mrs, but really the car is the best thing there, unless of course she wanted to come along for the ride :D Cheers Mike
  13. M


    Try telling that to addicted gamblers. My dad lost a couple of hundred thousand pounds and a business gambling on the pony's when I was a kid, and with help he just manage to get it under control before we lost our house. In those days you never saw a woman in the bookies, but now due to online...
  14. M

    Urgent advice needed

    Thanks Bob, but the bloody thing went ?even before I had a chance to remove the cover. When I say went I mean when I turned it on to get you the info you asked for it stayed on for a while and then just died and will not turn on again, no lights, no nothing, so after removing the hard drive (so...
  15. M

    Urgent advice needed

    Hi Bob, What it does show is Supervisor Password is: SET, and further down it shows Set Supervisor Password (Enter), but I have been blocked from getting to it. Is this the password it asks for when the computer immediately boots (before you get to your account password), you cannot get into...
  16. M

    Urgent advice needed

    As it happens Roger ever since I got my IPad I have been very impressed by the quality and have been thinking about getting one, but the price, can I really justify the cost,I don't know? Cheers Mike
  17. M

    Urgent advice needed

    Short it out with a screw driver!!! I would probably fry the whole thing. Seriously is it that easy? By the way I was looking through the old laptop box and I do have some recovery disks that Comet must have put in there. They are not Acer ones and have Comet on Call on the label. Now for the...
  18. M

    Urgent advice needed

    Yes thats right I can access it but not change them. It's an Acer Aspire 5290. I did not get any disc's with the laptop, it came with as DrPhill states a partition. Luckily I have 99% of it backed up on an external hard drive. Thanks Roger I will take a look at that. Cheers Mike
  19. M

    Urgent advice needed

    Hi Bob, thanks for your reply but it won't let me boot into safe mode F8 and F12 (BOOT MENU) has been disabled in the bios and I have been stopped from accessing it. I cannot even access a few things that are enabled such as network boot or D2D recovery etc. I think I have been tucked right up...
  20. M

    Urgent advice needed

    I updated my comodo antivirus and after rebooting I have been locked out of my laptop. I get as far as my account password and it says locked underneath my name, and putting my password in just takes me to a blank screen, any ideas? The only other thing I did before this was follow a email link...