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  1. M

    Is it me or

    Studders wrote: Colin I have to agree with Studders, the forum may not be exactly what you want it to be yet, but it is much better already (argument wise), and as he says give them time. I know for a fact that Charley is working on a new review section at this moment. On top of that we have...
  2. M

    Scottish woodcraft show

    It's about time we got something up here. :lol: Thanks for the heads up Keith. Cheers Mike
  3. M

    Global warming.

    Yeah I knew that Roy. The fields at Glastonbury usually have tents floating down them :lol: Studders wrote: Oh yeah Devonwoody likes talking about it, but it was someone else I was thinking of :roll: Mr G? who's that? Oh well never mind. Cheers Mike
  4. M

    Global warming.

    Global Warming no not again ](*,) Who's the member who loves to talk about this HOT TOPIC and gets HOT under the collar? Cheers Mike
  5. M

    Is it me or

    hivisvest watch that studders guy :lol: Cheers Mike
  6. M

    World Cup - Fans and fanatics thread.

    Hey Breakwindjammer, make with the feet and P off :lol: Cheers Mike
  7. M


    Wait mate you might win it in the competition we are going to have. I will have to talk to Charley to see what he wants done. flounder wrote: There are a few woodies up this end, I will see what I can do :wink: But I cannot promise anyone will lend me one. Thanks for the posts guys Cheers Mike
  8. M

    The World Cup - Indifferenteers thread

    Surely not :shock: Mind you if Smudger is right, the Mail make up their own news :twisted: Cheers Mike
  9. M

    Is it me or

    Couldn't agree with you more Matt. But I also think that part of it is down to Noel and Charley showing us all that the management do care about the forum and it's members, and along with the survey that they are taking notice of what sort of forum we want. Cheers Mike
  10. M

    The World Cup - Indifferenteers thread

    Yeah lovely :roll: Now you and Mr Studders better get back to your football haters thread [-X Oh you are on that thread :oops: Bye #-o Cheers Mike
  11. M


    This review was meant to be done a long time ago, but as usual my health has put paid to any plans I make, and so my apologies go out to Charley and Incra for the rather slow progress. Even though manufacturers have been making table saws since Noah built his ark (well maybe not that long)...
  12. M

    ARNO Carbur2 Burnisher Passaround

    Chems OPJ Karl seanbaby jim43 Mike.C Cheers Mike
  13. M

    A safety issue with sanders

    Hi Jim, it's Rob's (Woodbloke) sig. Thanks for the tip DW Cheers Mike
  14. M

    Where can I get a spring?

    Steve have you got the Haynes manual for your model. The reason I ask is they often show a broken down parts diagram and if you scan the picture in in and then upload it for us to see we might be able to come up with a fix. If not can you give me the part number of the complete until and what...
  15. M

    Traffic on the road is going to get worse

    Always full of delightful tit bits to make our day :lol: The trouble is he is probably right. Cheers Mike
  16. M

    Topic: actual, tema, de interes actual, asunto, corriente et

    Thanks Chas, it does not seem to make any difference at all. Cheers Mike
  17. M

    Topic: actual, tema, de interes actual, asunto, corriente et

    :duno: I have IE8 so yes maybe. Does it use alot of power, should I turn it off, or just leave it? Cheers Mike
  18. M

    Topic: actual, tema, de interes actual, asunto, corriente et

    Is it just me or is it happening to everyone. When I am about to press on a topic, or float my pointer over anything I have written, a box comes up, and as above with the word "Topic" it shows me the foreign equivalent in a number of different languages. In the top corner there is what I think...
  19. M

    World Cup - Fans and fanatics thread.

    Nice one England AND WELL DONE DEFOE They were brilliant for 80 of the 93 minutes BryonBlack wrote; Yeah mate the troll! :lol: Cheers Mike
  20. M

    World Cup - Fans and fanatics thread.
