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  1. M

    Giving in?

    It's about time. :wink: Cheers Mike
  2. M

    Northumberland is like a war zone today

    Yeah just a bit :lol: Cheers Mike
  3. M


    Simon your letter and interview got you the job, in the end that is all that matters =D> So if you find yourself in Steve's position do you lie and hide some of your qualifications to put food on the table or do you tell the truth and in the end claim state benefits? Cheers Mike
  4. M


    I do not mean to be ignorant, but what the hell does "Over Qualified" mean? I hear it said time and time again but cannot see how anyone is over qualified. Surely as long as you are qualified to do the job you are applying for that is all that matters? Sorry to hear about your problem Mike. I...
  5. M

    Northumberland is like a war zone today

    Quite right Mr S :wink: And are you having a nice day? Cheers Mike
  6. M

    Axminster SBW4300 Bandsaw

    Philly an old post of yours, but I need to know if you removed the two metal rings on the top of your bandsaw that can be used to carry the saw with a wreaker (I think they call it)? It does not mention removing them in the manual, and I see no reason why they should not be left as they are, but...
  7. M

    Le Tour!

    Smashing :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Cheers Mike
  8. M

    Le Tour!

    Spain of course, best team in the tournament :lol: Cheers Mike
  9. M

    Le Tour!

    :lol: :lol: :roll: :lol: :lol: Cheers Mike
  10. M

    Northumberland is like a war zone today

    I was going to name others that have been shot by the police, but as you admit that they are trained to shoot to kill it is hardly worth it. I do see your point about Demenzes and your right about the police shooting rates, at least compared to the US and Canada. Cheers Mike
  11. M

    Northumberland is like a war zone today

    Don't kid yourself mate, like their counterparts in the US, the police shoot to kill. Whether in the UK or US how many people end up wounded after a policeman shoots them? And as for police marksman and weapons officers being trained to be 100% sure before they pull the trigger tell that to the...
  12. M

    Northumberland is like a war zone today

    Now they have offered a reward of £10,000 which will be paid to anyone who's information leads to his capture, and not conviction. They have also brought in long distance rifle snipers, so it could quite easily end up with him being shot dead, which in my opinion is exactly what he wants...
  13. M

    Le Tour!

    John it was more tongue in cheek, a sort of retaliation for the football p!ss take :lol: If I am perfectly honest I respect ANY sportsman/woman who do well in their chosen sport. I may not always like the sport, but they certainly have my respect. :D Cheers Mike
  14. M

    MAKITA LSO714L - poor quality control

    In that case Roger :D only you know the sizes you need, so a hint might help. One of the reasons I personally went for the Dewalt was the small footprint needed at the rear. :D Dealer??? Local??? With Stock??? No not joking, even out in the sticks up here in Scotland. It maybe a few miles...
  15. M

    MAKITA LSO714L - poor quality control

    Depth 541 mm Length 718 mm Height 442 mm Any good? Or simply go to the nearest dealer. Cheers Mike
  16. M

    Le Tour!

    What a bunch of idiots, you would think that by now they would have taken a leaf out of the Isle of Man TT racers book and added a motor to their bikes :lol: Cheers Mike
  17. M

    MAKITA LSO714L - poor quality control

    Roger why not go for a Dewalt. I have the DW718 12" double bevel (max crosscut 14") which has never let me down. It costs a fair bit more then the Makita but you could try one of their reconditioned models. Mailee has happily used one for a few years. This company has a recon DW717XPS which is...
  18. M


    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: You know you love it, and what would life be like without him now :lol: Cheers Mike
  19. M


    I certainly do know what you mean, and now hopefully when he is old enough you will be able to show him around the workshop and get him intrested in the art of woodworking :D Although I think I am taking you off topic here :roll: Cheers Mike
  20. M


    I see no reason why he should be astonished. Just think back to the night/day/week before your appointment. How many times did you or your wife say words to the effect "Finger crossed you/I will get the all clear" or "What the hell are we going to do if it has spread?" You know as well as I do...