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  1. K

    Any Kodak ESP-7 owners?

    dump inkjet and go laser, the higher initial price will be offset by not having to replace the ink every bloody time you want to print and find its dried out again. most lasers can be refilled from ebay bottles of tonner at least a couple of times, unless you opt for a HP which most now have...
  2. K

    I have a website!

    oh yes you can!!!!!!!!! most um "good" browsers let you get around all of those types of copy protection. Steve
  3. K


    I'm sorry to say that I would also be the one going to prison if this had happened to my lads. "eye for an eye" and "treat others as you would have them treat you" both spring to mind. what has this country come to? I'm disgusted. and as for the bulger lads, I sleep better at night knowing...
  4. K

    which external mobile hard drive?

    bare in mind through all of this that IT people are just that, IT people. Especially when it comes to storage. At my old work we had 3 toshiba deskstar drives fail, they became known as "deathstars" and it was deemed company policy never to buy a toshiba disk again. At my new place guess what...
  5. K

    which external mobile hard drive?

    I would steer well clear of external harddisks. she should invest in a usb stick from a reliable manufacturer , I quite like kingston as a brand. Choose an "industrial" grade stick, not a £9 jobbie from tesco! for the really paranoid choose double redundancy get 2 sticks and keep clones. Steve
  6. K

    iPhone apps - favourites?

    My fav is safari and mail , my iPod touch meets all my netbook needs and is an iPod to-boot. I don't really need flash and apps like facebook and eBay put the cherry on the cake! Got a first gen 16 gig that is still going strong Steve
  7. K

    iPhone apps - favourites?

    our local Tesco has barcode readers on the walls and choice at choice points throughout the store so you can scan an item and find out its cost. Steve
  8. K

    Bank holiday weekend project

    please don't take this the wrong way because it isn't intended as a criticism, I can see that wall is painted, it looks to me that the deck is butted right up against the wall..... I take it that the deck is well above the DPC? I've been told that even rain "splash" from deck boards left a few...
  9. K

    Mains filters aaarrrrgggghh!!!!

    I think the logic is that its the current in-balance is the initial closing of the mains switch, if one of the shunt caps charges slightly faster than the other (in-balanced) then the RCD trips. If you trip the RCD back with the dishwasher on, then I believe the few micro seconds of in-balance...
  10. K

    Mains filters aaarrrrgggghh!!!!

    Mrs KU blew up the dishwasher over the weekend, so a trip to B&Q saw us the new owners of a shiney new integrated dishwasher *fanfare*. all plumbed in and ready for the off when *puff* turning the plug on causes the RCD to blow in my consumer unit. Reset everything, try again........ *puff*...
  11. K

    iMac or Mac Pro

    so would I, lucky git. I spend my entire life (it seems) limping old kit on, infact I even end up getting other peoples cast offs when they buy new kit, and most of the time even the cast offs are better than what I`m currently using. just goes to show you can still run a system on a budget...
  12. K

    Snow Leopard

    I`m far from an expert (although I design processors so I should be I suppose :oops: ) Core solo Core Duo are not 64 bit Core 2 Duo (including extreme) Xeon Nehalem are all 64 bit its really the older mac hardware you need to be careful of OpenCL leverages GPU porcessing power but only...
  13. K

    Snow Leopard

    I'm struggling with this one I must admit. People are talking about a OS re-install to save 7 gigs of ram and an unknown performance boost. As I understand it, the "apple way" of upgrading is "archive and install" (which I`ve never done). Now assuming you keep the archive then its far more...
  14. K

    iMac or Mac Pro

    things have moved on in ten years!!, grab a liveimage and have a play, 700meg download and a 20p blank cd, nothing to loose as you don't have to install it and it can be run straight from the disk, give it a try, you'll be surprised. what most people DON'T do is compare the same quality LCDs...
  15. K

    iMac or Mac Pro

    my mini is the bees knees!!! My suggestion would be iMac , best you can afford Steve
  16. K

    iMac or Mac Pro

    I'd suggest either a macbook (pro or normal) or an imac. Unless you are doing serious number crunching the tower would be an overkill. of course theres the mini as well, worth considering..... Steve
  17. K

    iMac or Mac Pro

    empty wallet :? Biggest question has to be what are you intending on using it for? Steve
  18. K

    Snow Leopard

    LOTS of people VERY unhappy that quite capable G5 Powermacs (some even quad cores) can't run the new SL. If you want to upgrade, now would be the time. I`d say 10.5 will be fine for many years, poke open CL, 64 bit apps, how many bloody emails will you need before "Mail" requires more than 4...
  19. K

    Snow Leopard

    hope he isn't still PPC because 10.6 is for x86 only Steve
  20. K

    painted flat roof

    I think thats the stuff, it was a touch-on felt with a silver painted finish. I will do, cheers Steve