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  1. wobblycogs

    What was the last film you watched and

    Would the people with most excellent taste (and the rest of you I suppose :-)) also agree that Gattaca is an excellent but somewhat underrated film? I read the other day that the US are considering making gene sequencing illegal without consent which is pretty much the opening the film.
  2. wobblycogs

    What was the last film you watched and

    Glad to see some other Grosse Point Blank fans here, I'd definitely give it a 10/10. There's an unofficial sequel called "War, Inc" (available on Netflix), it's not as good as the original but it's well worth a watch if you loved the first.
  3. wobblycogs

    Old bottles of red wine, will they be drinkable?

    Part of our visit to the vineyard was a tour of the bottling plant. Apparently they do almost no wine with corks any more as the failure rate is too high compared to screw caps which have a failure rate of all but zero. They were actually trying to decide whether to just remove the section of...
  4. wobblycogs

    Old bottles of red wine, will they be drinkable?

    The wife and I were up at the three choirs vineyard a year or two back and got chatting with some of the wine makers there. They were adamant that the vast majority of modern wine should be drunk in the year it's sold or the next year at the latest as very little wine produced now is designed to...
  5. wobblycogs

    wood stove efficiency, upsides and downsides.

    I'm really surprised you've had problems with you Clearview as ours has been completely flawless (admittedly it's only been going three years though). I imagine if you burnt coal you'd need to replace the grate after a few years but after burning only wood I can honestly say ours is as good as...
  6. wobblycogs

    Lightbulbs and Polystyrene

    Totally blue skying here (sorry ;-)) but a few months ago I made an LED lamp and to step the voltage down from 12V I needed some fairly beefy resistors that dissipate a decent amount of heat. It occurred to me then that this would be a much better way of providing this sort of heating as they...
  7. wobblycogs

    Has woodworking always been well payed

    If I thought you could get £1500 a week after overheads for doing woodwork you wouldn't see me for sawdust :D I'm coming to the conclusion that being self employed is not all it's cracked up to be. For sure there are some upsides but it's ruddy hard work and for the pleasure of it you see the...
  8. wobblycogs

    New laptop

    I've generally been fairly impressed with Acer for the cheap and midrange laptop. I find they hit a good balance between price and performance. To be honest though it's become much of a much-ness now a days and it's hard to tell them apart. Personally, I'd steer clear of Dell, not because they...
  9. wobblycogs


    Yes, absolutely, I should have made that clear. I tend to go to bed earlier on the second day but not that much before what would be a normal time. I tend to avoid sharp things on the second day too, for obvious reasons :D
  10. wobblycogs


    Perhaps just try not going to sleep. If ever I get a bit of insomnia I just stay up one night and I find I sleep like a log the next and subsequent nights. It feels like my body has got out of step with the world and just needs a quick reset. Certainly beats lying there unable to get to sleep...
  11. wobblycogs

    Tea and coffee. how many?

    Chipping the tannin off reminds me of a guy I used to work with. His tea mug was white on the outside and dark brown on the inside from all the tea and the fact he thought washing it meant giving it a quick rinse at the end of the day. One day one of the other developers cleaned it properly...
  12. wobblycogs

    super glue as a plaster

    I was superglued up in hospital a couple of years ago now and I got chatting with the surgeon while he was working on me. As an ex-chemist I cant help myself I have to find out what stuff is made from. Apparently medical superglue is essentially CA but it's a different formulation to reduce how...
  13. wobblycogs

    Tea and coffee. how many?

    Ok, I feel like a caffeine wimp. Tops of four or five mugs a day for me or I'm a gibbering wreck. This week I've been down to one or two a day. I can't even begin to imagine drinking as much as some of you guys.
  14. wobblycogs

    Horizon and losing weight

    I'd love to know what you're training for Dr Bob and how much exercise your doing to burn off the number of calories I'm eating in a day. Fair play though, I'm getting tired just thinking about it.
  15. wobblycogs

    a free winzip download

    And to follow on from Dibs excellent advice if you do find yourself wanting a specific compression application then I can thoroughly recommend 7zip ( - properly free, open source and simple to use.
  16. wobblycogs

    Circular Saw - Straight Line?

    I really don't think a blade made out of meat or fish would work. How would you get a good edge on one? I think I'll stick with steel for now. :D
  17. wobblycogs

    Circular Saw - Straight Line?

    How stiff is your straight edge? When I first got my circular saw I found I tended to push it hard into the straight edge to try and ensure the cut was straight. Unfortunately I caused a little flexing in the straight edge and ended up with a cut like you are describing. It wasn't a constant bow...
  18. wobblycogs

    Car tax to be abolished !!!!!!!!!

    As I suspected you are simply putting words into my mouth. For whatever reason you have assumed that I want to go on a granny bashing spree (or other disadvantaged group of your choice) rather than target the large number of people that really do have a choice where they live. I couldn't...
  19. wobblycogs

    Car tax to be abolished !!!!!!!!!

    Please show me where exactly in that line I said we should going around evicting old people. Feel free to embolden that specific section for me because try as I might I can't seem to see it. There's a world of difference between suggesting that people move so that they can live more cheaply and...
  20. wobblycogs

    Car tax to be abolished !!!!!!!!!

    I'm sure you'll be surprised to hear that I don't, in fact, want to see anyone culled. I firmly believe that anyone unable to help themselves should be helped by the state without question. I am, however, against working to pay tax that is used to subsidize other peoples life style choices. I...