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  1. G

    What are these? Lathe tools?

    I think you would sell them pretty easily on here. No need for ebay fees.
  2. G

    A bit of wood for another day

    Fraid not :)
  3. G

    A bit of wood for another day

    I wish Kim, not Laburnum.
  4. G


    Great stuff,have fun. The OF 1400 is nice.
  5. G

    Olive wood

    If the boards were thick enough to make decent blanks out of I might be interested as well :)
  6. G

    A bit of wood for another day

    Just cut this down to make room for another shed. I am sure you all know what it is. Oops, forgot pic :)
  7. G

    A day of firsts

    Thanks guys. I will be putting in the practice :)
  8. G

    Year 10 slowly getting the hang of it.

    Chas and J.G they are both lovely pieces. I really don't think I would have the patience to glue them all up but one day, when I get the hang of the more basic stuff, I will have a go.
  9. G

    A day of firsts

    Yep, I was practicing the roughing gouge and spindle gouge and finally managed to get the motion right to produce a smooth finish so I tried taking it down to the egg. Would have worked too :) Now back to the practice and maybe planing with a skew.
  10. G

    Advice on weighing blanks please.

    Makes you wonder why we bother :)
  11. G

    first attempt at turning a box

    I hope my first attempt at a box comes out as well as yours did.
  12. G

    Good tool website, some good prices.

    Good find Grayorm, thanks.
  13. G

    Router table size

    Custard has summed that up superbly.
  14. G

    Women drivers

    So how are you getting on ? Does the doc think you will be able to walk again ?
  15. G

    pen turning

    Bet they caught it here.
  16. G

    A day of firsts

    So, today I had what I am counting as my first success, my first failure and my first surprise. I wanted to get some practice so I thought I would have a go at an egg. Practice for this months challenge. So I found an old piece of 2x2 pine which had a small hole drilled in the end from some old...
  17. G

    Continuing with the Spalt

    Fair point Kim.
  18. G


    It is :)
  19. G

    Beware if you've cracked your mobile screen!!

    Mine didn't crack. I go ten pin bowling a lot, have all my own stuff. One day I took a ball out of the bag, realised my iPhone was still in my top pocket so chucked it in the bag, and later put the ball back on top of it. It came out like a banana, beautifully curved but still intact. Didn't...
  20. G


    Or American south religious festival ? Cotton Easter