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  1. G

    Autumn 16 Challenge

    I cannot really picture what you are describing Stiggy but I would suggest that 'piercing' means multiple holes that have a purpose, even if that purpose is purely decoration. pierced woodturning - Google Search
  2. G

    Autumn 16 Challenge

    Hi Naz If you google pierced wood turnings all sorts of wonderful stiff comes up but for simple stuff think earring stands, pot pouris etc. The holes only need to be an 'element' of the turning. The last time this challenge was run it was won by someone who turned an apple with a hole in the...
  3. G

    The Future of the Woodturning Challenge

    Perhaps we should get rid of 'the challenge' and 'winners' and have a 'cant think of a word' with the current judges offering an experienced 'assessment' of each piece. This is making me think and it is much to early in the morning for that :)
  4. G

    Autumn 16 Challenge

    Just so long as you can convince the Judge that it was you that made the holes. :)
  5. G

    Sorby Belt group buy

    I'm interested in hearing the price differences.
  6. G

    Autumn 16 Challenge

    Nice try Greg. ( Never quite sure when you are joking :) )
  7. G

    The Future of the Woodturning Challenge

    Some of you will already know that I have been wondering about the future viability of this competition. With entries down to an all time low of 4 for the summer challenge there seems to be very little interest or reason to continue. I have decided to carry on for now and finish off the...
  8. G

    Autumn 16 Challenge

    The Autumn 16 Challenge is for a ‘Pierced turning’. Paul Hannaby has kindly agreed to judge this quarter’s Challenge, Challenge Requirements: Pierced Turning This quarter’s rules are:- 1. The Challenge is open to anyone and everyone. Entries must be new and made specifically for the...
  9. G

    Summer 16 Challenge Results

    Well, its taken much longer than usual but here they are at last. my apologies for the delay, sometimes things just don't come together. Due to the small number of entries and the fact that only three of you voted ( which would skew the results ) this month is going to be different and only the...
  10. G

    HOT TIP ...Not all 07 numbers are to mobiles

    Good to know about. Thanks for sharing.
  11. G

    Thumping sound from new lathe... errr... help?

    Heres hoping so. I am thinking of getting one as well.
  12. G

    Bandsaw tyre walking

    I has sort of assumed it was but either way it has never moved before. Why now ?
  13. G

    Bandsaw tyre walking

    Hi All My bandsaw usually works pretty well but I have just put a new blade on ( tried two different ones ) and the cut is all over the place and it will only cut very thin wood. While trying a reset of guides, tension etc I noticed that the tyre on the top wheel was moving backwards off the...
  14. G

    Summer 16 Challenge Entries Here Please.

    Normally before now stiggy I have sent the Judge ( Richard ) the normal PM but he hasn't read it yet and hasn't been on the site for 3 weeks or so. I am guessing he is away but will try and chase him on Monday if I haven't heard from him by then. As to the next challenge...... I am seriously...
  15. G

    New turner: JET JWL-1221VS and other questions

    Yep, you can manage without but it makes life a lot easier. :)
  16. G

    What's so funny...

    I have read it three times. Still not laughing.
  17. G

    New turner: JET JWL-1221VS and other questions

    Hi Sploo. Which club do you belong to ? If it is the Didcot one we have a stand at the Didcot Fayre this Saturday and I can bring you a copy of the Keith Rowley book that everyone says is the best training aid. I think you have probably made the best choice of lathe and chuck though its a pity...
  18. G

    Who is in and who is out?

    I have always thought that referendums were a good thing. it being only right the the people should have their say on the more important and unusual matters. Boy was I ever wrong. I don't want to see that load of claptrap again.
  19. G

    Summer 16 Challenge Entries Here Please.

    My apologies for the lateness of this post. I guess I got to wrapped up in the EU stuff. The Summer Challenge was for a single object made from at least 2 different woods. Richard Findley has kindly agreed to judge this quarter’s Challenge, Challenge Requirements: The Summer 16 rules...
  20. G

    Summer 16 Woodturning Challenge

    WOW. Sorry, that crept up on me. I will get it done today and extend the deadline by a day.