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  1. sawdustalley

    Can I please SCREAM?

    Neil, I know exactly how you feel. By the way, remind me what LOML exactly stands for :?: :?: My local B&Q got upgraded to "Mini Superstore" status (They took over the next door which was a smallish comet) and introduced 8x4 sheets. MDF - none of this size ply sadly as yet. About a month...
  2. sawdustalley

    Trend Anglefix Mitre Guide

    To me, stuff like that just looks like a gimmic. I'm sure chippendale didnt have one did he :shock:
  3. sawdustalley

    bench stops

    Describe what you mean? If you mean a bench hook, where you hold timber in place while cutting across the grain with a tenon saw - its fairly simple. Shouldnt really need a design for that :?: If you mean something else, you need to give more details for people to help u...
  4. sawdustalley


    Why reproduction antiques, whats wrong with the real thing :P Yeah, its all good stuff. Looks nice, but I really wouldn't be surprised if its horrible to sit on. And very un-practical to clean. Amazing how the stuff is neatly put together, i'm sure its actually well within the bounds of many...
  5. sawdustalley

    no new great british woodshop's

    Oh what a shame... Something else will be along i'm sure...
  6. sawdustalley

    Which of these two routers...?

    If your willing to pay £190 - I would go for a Makita 3812CX.... Excellent machine 8)
  7. sawdustalley

    Workshop Picture

    Basically... [img][/url]
  8. sawdustalley

    Importing power tools from USA, has anyone here done it?

    This may be of interest:
  9. sawdustalley


    I've got the JET benchtop mortiser at the moment, and I will review it soon in New Woodworking magazine - This is the first time i've ever owned a mortiser, but i've used them before. I think its a great tool, its very quick and easy to setup. But as everyone else has said, the finish is not...
  10. sawdustalley

    Using a plunge router on a router table

    Yep, you can use an elastic band, cable ties, electrical tape - anything really, its fairly straight forward. I would reccommend that you wire up a safety (NVR - NO Volt Release) switch. This will allow you to easily turn the router on and off immediately, fix it under the table. If you want...
  11. sawdustalley

    My tip for improving tablesaw accuracy

    I think its the face ha is using large photos, you probably have 800x600 resolution, and the photos are too wide to fit on your screen at this res. 8)
  12. sawdustalley

    Purchasing Wood

    If you haven't already, take a yellow pages and make a few phone calls, make a few trips to local timber-merchants and sawmills. Or try :) If you can stay clear of the big DIY and trade supply houses (B&Q, Wickes, Travis Perkins etc..). Their wood is usally of a lesser quality...
  13. sawdustalley

    Anyone got a Metabo BST12IMP 12V Drill/driver?

    Yep, It will look odd - Now the problem is, if I like it I may well do that :cry: Now who needs 4 cordless drills? Most people I know have 1!
  14. sawdustalley

    Anyone got a Metabo BST12IMP 12V Drill/driver?

    hehe - great, can't wait :) Whats so special about this charger heh?
  15. sawdustalley

    Anyone got a Metabo BST12IMP 12V Drill/driver?

    I went for the 10mm one, I realised you got a bit confused there :wink: 3mm Isn't that much more, I've had 2 Makita 12v's in use for 3 years now, both with 10mm chucks - in a workshop environment, not a problem - maybe more of an issue on site. They are certainly not as chirpy as they used...
  16. sawdustalley

    Anyone got a Metabo BST12IMP 12V Drill/driver?

    Ok John, you convinced me - all ordered. Luckily, I made up for my spending habits at a bootfair :shock: . Came back with a few nice bits and bobs. :D
  17. sawdustalley

    Anyone got a Metabo BST12IMP 12V Drill/driver?

    Thanks for that Neil. Just looked at Which's comparison in February 2001 (Little time ago now!). And it was right at the top then :) Slipped down with the "others" in their Feb 2003 review, but I think i'll go for it. :)
  18. sawdustalley

    Anyone got a Metabo BST12IMP 12V Drill/driver?

    Hello, Yeah, i'm thinking about getting a Metabo BST12IMP 12V Drill/driver. £99 in DM Tools at the moment. From what i've heard, Metabo cordless drills are pretty decent. Just thought i'd get a few thoughts before buying... If you're interested: ...