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  1. sawdustalley

    Workshop build

    Yeah that looks smashing, whats going in the narrow pointy bit :wink: WATER - Thats something i'd like to have in my workshop for cleaning glue brushes, making tea, coffee etc, and a nice sink. :D
  2. sawdustalley

    The two types of woodworking?

    I have thought exactly this many time's myself... When I first started woodworking I was more of a screw and glue merchant, but now I find I try and use proper joinery much much more. However, I still like to use modern methods like biscuits and pocket screws. They dont make bad furniture if...
  3. sawdustalley

    I need a good quality electric nail gun

    If you've already got an air gun - why waste time with an electric one? As with most other people, i've been there and done that with the rapesco - its really no good. The gas powered Paslode's are excellent. Bit klunky however....
  4. sawdustalley

    Sound for a £1

    Yeah its a good range, for those of you who havent seen - this is worth checking out: EDIT: Haha - Just noticed Alf did beat me to it :) :wink: ALSO, Talking about those gloves - I went to a local car spares whatit place (Camberly...
  5. sawdustalley

    router table plans

    This isnt a plan, but you can see my how-to guide on making a router table here:
  6. sawdustalley

    Workshop Building

    I wouldnt see it as that much of a problem. Small high-voltage electric fence running around the gaps should solve it :wink:
  7. sawdustalley

    Looking for a prince :)

    Haha - had same post on SDA forums. They obviously like woodworking :(
  8. sawdustalley

    Woodworking shows in the web ...

    Fishing and Property, personally - neither float my boat. They are changing their aspect on the word "Home", now quite litrually its all "Home" as in material not "within the home". You can see some of my program reviews here: TO be...
  9. sawdustalley


    I have the delta bandsaw, pretty happy with it - works alot better with a decent blade. If you like, you can read my review here:
  10. sawdustalley

    Things to do in Devon when you're dead...

    ....errrr..............axminster? :wink:
  11. sawdustalley

    ukW junk emails !!!

    another solution is to use the following format: yourname [ A t ] youprovider [ d o t ] com This will not be so easily detected by "bots or spiders" who trawl the web looking for email's. or use [email protected]
  12. sawdustalley

    Planer Tables now come in Wood

    If it was sent WITHOUT the outfeed table, the first thing I would do would be to ring axminster up!!!??? Some people really confuse me :?
  13. sawdustalley

    Need a decent 1/2" router Trend T9EK?

    Gosh, so many choices eh :o I use the Makita 3612CX - Which I love at the moment. You can read my review of it here I know charley now has a DeWALT - and he really likes it. He mentioned to me its great having 2 big routers, otherwise you end up contantly mounting and un-mounting it from the...
  14. sawdustalley

    Progress on Workshop Floor

    I think carpet tiles are probably much more practical than carpet is. I have some lovely sorta pinkish coloured carpet, which is great to work on (compared to the concrete). However, it really is very un-practical as all the dust gets trodden into it. ....Maybe I should get a dyson for the...
  15. sawdustalley

    Yellow card

    Mike, I wouldnt worry about it :wink:
  16. sawdustalley (and F&C mag

    He was obviously paying a webdesign company to make the site. They register the domain and setup hosting. Either, they pulled out, or he pulled out, or they are just delayed, and once the ad is out, nothing you can do about it...
  17. sawdustalley

    Sweet success?

    I thought even if you just ran copper wire (no voltage) that the slugs will react with it anyhow? :?: :x
  18. sawdustalley

    discovery H+L...

    Oh my good. I can also say that they have nothing announced woodworking wise for this summer according to their members site.
  19. sawdustalley

    what is the quietest router on the market

    Rich, you might be better off spending £10-20 on a decent pair of ear defenders. Its amazing how good they can be, IMO they actually help me to concentrate more. Your motor may be a quiet one, but remember - when metal hits wood - its a whole differnet story. If its just an excuse to get a...
  20. sawdustalley


    Striplights are almost a must in the workshop, simply because they provide evenly spread light, and the shadows are minimal. I don't notice mine buzzing at-all......not .ever :shock: If you go for spot-lights (Like you may use in a kitchen) or floodlights only - You will shadow your work...