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  1. neilc

    Finger Tearout! (Now with Gore)

    My God Wizer that looks really bad. My very best wishes for a full recovery. Neil
  2. neilc

    Finger Tearout! (Now with Gore)

    Hope you have a speedy recovery Wizer and best of luck tomorrow. Neil
  3. neilc

    My Workbench - Almost Complete!

    Looks very well Dudester. Neil
  4. neilc

    caution Off color humor.

    Brilliant, haven't laughed so hard in a long time. Neil
  5. neilc

    Latest and probably my best proejct

    Very nice Tony well done. Neil
  6. neilc

    Holtzapffel Workbench

    Nice work Jake. Tony a bit at the start but after some use I got the hang of it, so very little now. Neil
  7. neilc

    Holtzapffel Workbench

    Tony Having seen your bench thread that means a lot thanks. Tony (Escudo) It really is a great resource. If you get it from it will have the Woodworking Magazine article on the CD version. MrJay Your right about the dog holes, but it only affects the first two. It...
  8. neilc

    Cost of Heating Oil

    Hi, I recently built my own home. We went down the heat pump and solar panel route. After living through our first winter in the house I can happily say its been an outstanding success. The first thing I would say to get right is the insulation. We built a timber frame home and heavily insulated...
  9. neilc

    Holtzapffel Workbench

    Dudester I'm using a Record 52 which I have for quite a while. It's only 7" and not quick release. As I already had it I couldn't bring myself to get another one. I know I paid more for it than your link though, so that looks very good value. OPJ The veritas dowel cutter is a great bit of kit...
  10. neilc

    Holtzapffel Workbench

    Thanks to everyone for the kind comments. This was a very enjoyable project and I'm quite proud of the way it turned out. Tnimble The dog hole locations are explained best in Chris' own words. Here's a direct cut and paste from the article in Woodworking Magazine. Tiddles Everything about the...
  11. neilc

    Holtzapffel Workbench

    For quite a while I been meaning to build a workbench. When I seen the Holtzapffel Workbench in Woodworking Magazine I decided to go for it. It's quite a simple design but easily covers my needs and hopefully more that I haven't acquired yet. It's made from ash. I started with the top. I made...
  12. neilc

    new box idea for me

    devonwoody, Congrats on the way the box turned out. Very, very nice. Neil
  13. neilc

    Adirondack Chair (WIP)

    Wizer, Your design looks very well for sure. All I meant was that on the more trad versions the vertical slats are fixed to a curved rail, which on the ones I've made anyway make a really comfortable chair (so comfortable in fact you wouldn't think you were sitting on wood). I just thought that...
  14. neilc

    Adirondack Chair (WIP)

    Wizer, Having made a couple of Adirondacks myself, I would recommend the usual vertical back. I think your going to lose a lot of comfort with that design. Just my 2 cents worth. Neil
  15. neilc

    firmer edge chisels

    Would like to know the answer to this as well. Cheers, Neil
  16. neilc

    integrated dishwasher in framed cabinet? HOW?

    Hi Joe, This is my own kitchen which I completed a few months ago. Its not exactly what your thinking of doing but it might help. Overall View The bottom of the face frame is built into the door, full length kicker board. Side view Hope this helps. Neil
  17. neilc

    Arts and Crafts Morris Chair

    Ted your chair turned out great and very well documented. =D> =D> =D> Neil
  18. neilc

    Do I have a problem with my Triton

    Ray mine was also brand new and happened on the second day of use. When I took mine apart, I found that the hard plastic cog wheel was binding against the brass bushing. No matter what I did I couldn't cure it. Your picture refreshed my memory as to what my exact problem was. Hope this helps. Neil
  19. neilc

    Do I have a problem with my Triton

    I had the exact same experience as Wizer on my first purchase. I read Ray's very informative page on cleaning it out and followed it to the letter, but the fine adjuster kept jamming. In the end I just gave up and took it back to B&Q. The changed it without a problem. In fact they never even...
  20. neilc

    American style fridge freezers

    We got this one in our new kitchen. Plenty of space and there are six of us in the house. When I was building the house I plumbed in the water line from the sink filtered water system. We're delighted with ours. Neil