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  1. neilc

    Safe dados????? or why you need push sticks

    Tony I feel your pain. The same thing happened to me around 6 months ago except to was a 1/4" spiral cutting bit so it didn't do near the damage you got. It sucked my right index finger onto the top of the bit right at the nail. Its amazing how quickly it happens. It healed up really well except...
  2. neilc

    Bookcase project WIP (a bit long)Update1

    Oswaldo, Yeah I did give them a good sanding before assembly but where I put on the shelf rails, side slips and base moulding needs some more. Also generally a bit more fine sanding all over. And no I'm not a chelsea fan, the special one wasn't so special over those couple of games. Neil...
  3. neilc

    COMP063 Steve Maskery - Mirror

    Really nice work Steve very impressive. I really like the contrast of the two materials. Neil
  4. neilc

    Bookcase project WIP (a bit long)Update1

    Work has been a bit crazy lately but I thought it was time for an update. First up is the shelves The first mistake of the project. If you look closely ye can see a 1/8 inch slip glued onto the end of one of the shelves. While rushing to finish up to see the first Chelsea - Barsa match I cut...
  5. neilc

    Import. Was it worth it ???

    Glad to see that the reaction has been mainly positive. Just to answer a couple of things that have been high lighted. I placed the order last October and had it within a week. Maybe the comparison wasn't the right one but I only used it because the 4010 was mentioned in another thread. I...
  6. neilc

    Import. Was it worth it ???

    Okay the price I got for the Scheppach TS4010 from McQuillan Tools in Dublin was €3295 over the phone. I was told this was for all options including the sliding carriage. I'm not famillar with what else comes with the TS4010. Okay now on to the full cost of the import. While going to the...
  7. neilc

    Delta import

    Noel it is indeed a WEG motor. Neil
  8. neilc

    Delta import

    Noel its not the X5 model. Not sure which make of motor is on it. I'm only in the door from work(a bit crazy at the moment) so I'll check it out for you tomorrow. If the mods don't mind seen as how the Scheppach TS4010 has been mentioned by Scrit who's option I respect, tomorrow I'll start a...
  9. neilc

    Delta import

    When I started looking into getting the machine Delta did offer the 50Hz motor but when I purchased it in October last year Woodworker Supply told me this option was no longer available. Apparently they were taken over by someone can't remember who (think Black & Decker)but they said the don't...
  10. neilc

    Delta import

    As some might know I imported a unisaw. Even though I'm an electrican I went to a motor rewind shop to seek advice on wether to get the motor rewound. The answer was no. As for over heating the windings, the nature of a table saw is not constant running so there shouldn't be a problem. Also it...
  11. neilc

    My latest workshop pics...

    Very nice workshop well done. Neil
  12. neilc

    Bookcase project WIP (a bit long)Update1

    No problem with the power supply 230V 60Hz. As we're 50Hz over here it just runs a bit slower not that you would notice. Neil
  13. neilc

    Brad Nail Question

    What do you guys do with brad nails that don't fire the whole way home. While toe-nailing shelves this evening I've had a few that didn't quite make it. From previous experience they're to light to punch but not quite long enough to pull. The nails I was using were 30mm 18G ones. Any ideas. Neil.
  14. neilc

    Cutlist question

    I 99% sure it always takes it that length is with the grain and width is across the grain, so you just put in your measurement to suit. Neil
  15. neilc

    Bookcase project WIP (a bit long)Update1

    The model number is 36-831. As to your other question a policeman wouldn't ask me that. LOML might read this have to be careful :D . Neil Edit - Actually for what I spent I don't thing you will get anything here as good, but that just my opinion. Best money I ever spent.
  16. neilc

    Skip rescue

    Nice bit of work there =D> . You seem to have got nice tight joints around the edge was it difficult to clamp up. Neil
  17. neilc

    Bookcase project WIP (a bit long)Update1

    No there is no sliding table on the saw. It is fairly easy to produce an accurate cut with a bit of care by simply pushing the stock through the dado against the fence. The trick is applying wax to the surface of the table which keeps it nice and slick. This in turn also keeps the rust away...
  18. neilc

    Bookcase project WIP (a bit long)Update1

    As Tim said its a very handy bit of kit. You just punch in your material list, tell it what stock you have and it works out the most efficient layout for you. You can allow for kerf, trim, whether you would rather cross cuts or rip cuts first. I have the silver edition and highly recommend it...
  19. neilc

    Bookcase project WIP (a bit long)Update1

    For my latest project I'm building another norm project. Last year I built the shaker bookcase but this now is bursting at the seams so I've decided to go build a couple of barrister ones and maybe convert the shaker one to displaying my dvd in the cinema room. I went to a new timber supplier...
  20. neilc

    Jointer problem

    Sounds to me like the like the beds are not parallel to each other, try dropping the end of the outfeed table slightly. If the end of the outfeed table is too high you will get a high spot on the board. If its too low you will get a concave board from my experience. Play around with it with...