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  1. neilc


    Very sensible reply Philly and sums up exactly my experience using my set. Neil
  2. neilc

    804 semi review + loads of pics

    Bramers I know your excited with your new toy but I can't empathize enough to be careful of the dado blade, it needs respect, double your concentration while using it. Neil.
  3. neilc

    Video Editing Software Search

    I use Ulead Movie Factory 3 to rip my sky+ recordings (norm mainly :oops: ) onto the pc form my Pioneer dvdr if that makes sense. I then use Ulead Video Studio 8 to edit out the adds, credits etc. I then usually save to a new file using the "Same as project settings" option. I haven't used Video...
  4. neilc

    Video Editing Software Search

    I find Ulead Video Studio & Movie Factory very good. Neil
  5. neilc

    Keeping Cast Iron rust free

    This is a question I posted a while ago here and it worked for me. Neil
  6. neilc

    Osbourne Mitre Gauge

    I got mine here last month. I had it delivered to an address in the States and my brother-in-law brought it home for me last week. I saved on international shipping and import taxes :D . I think from memory Lee Valley do them as well but the above link was the best price I could find at the...
  7. neilc

    First Guitar -WIP

    I'll also be keeping an eye on this one, its something I'd love to have a go at. Very nice so far. Neil
  8. neilc


    Steve you beat me to it. As I was reading Scrit's post I was thinking the exact same thing. It's amazing to me how Scrit has amassed so much knowledge about everything woodworking. It's great, long may you continue to post here Scrit =D> . Neil
  9. neilc

    Osborne EB3 Users

    I finally got mine last week. I ordered it from the NYW and got it delivered to my brother-in-law in LA. It was the best price I could find anywhere. He brought it home to me last week. I'm very happy with it, but haven't decided whether to use the friction pad and tape measure. I'll probally...
  10. neilc

    Competition Results

    Yes well done to everyone, I think the result was spot on. I might even have a go myself the next time as I've finally got over 50 posts. =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> Neil
  11. neilc

    8Mb internet connection

    Cheers lads. Neil
  12. neilc

    8Mb internet connection

    Forgive my ignorance but how do you actually check the speed of the connection. I have broadband but haven't a clue of the speed it running at. Neil
  13. neilc

    FOR SALE Leigh D4 dovetail jig

    I'm not saying anything either :D :D :D Neil
  14. neilc

    Competition - CLOSED - Results 9am MONDAY

    Gill summed it up perfectly for me. Well done everyone =D>. Neil
  15. neilc

    Adirondack In Oak - Air or Kiln Dried

    I made a few out of iroko a couple of years ago and they're holding up really well. They're outside all the time. Neil.
  16. neilc

    Good luck to everyone in the comp.

    Just a quick one to everyone in the competition. Best of luck to all, I'm looking forward to studying them all and deciding who to vote for. The standard is very very high, looking at everyones work is my favorite part of the forum. I hope to enter the next one if I meet the qualifications. Neil
  17. neilc

    The Woodworking Channel goes Live

    Cheers Neil I'm away for the week working in Cork but will try it when I get home on Friday. Neil
  18. neilc

    The Woodworking Channel goes Live

    The video screen on my pc while watching it is flooded with pink and green colour. Sorry if this is off topic but does anyone know if I need a new video card or what the problem is. Thanks. Neil
  19. neilc

    COMP063 Cloakroom Cabinet Finished

    Very nice indeed Waka. =D> Neil
  20. neilc

    Sliding Dovetail

    While I haven't actually done this joint myself, a table mounted router with a feather board is the way to go in my option using scraps first to get the setup right. Best of look with it sounds like a nice project. Neil