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  1. J

    Simple Burglar Alarm for Workshop

    Yeh - I have some shotgun alarm mines. The issue is that it's not my farm and my brother in law who runs the place sometimes needs access to my workshop area - and its a commercial workplace so having shotgun alarm mines doesn't seem like the best idea . The wiring of what I want to do seems...
  2. J

    Simple Burglar Alarm for Workshop

    Thanks @Wilson joinery - good idea. Sadly it wouldn't be possible in the location it's in. I think there is little else I can do to up physical security. I've even now chained certain machines to one another...but these guys are coming armed with cordless cutting equipment/sledge hammers etc.
  3. J

    Simple Burglar Alarm for Workshop

    Hello All, I want a simple burglar alarm for the workshop so that if someone puts in the door I get woken up in the night... we live on a farm and over the last couple of weeks there have been a number of break ins and I am terrified that my workshop will be next. The workshop has a single...
  4. J


    I'm very interested in this as well.
  5. J

    Straight edges - straight on which axis?

    I have a Kinex stainless straight edge which is a meter long - I bought it a few years ago when I was having a real set of problems with a large engine block. Since then it has sat largely on the workshop wall - it's a big heavy thing. Until today when I tried to use it on a wall... Now I have...
  6. J

    Mike Pekovich and his Muntins

    You say potatas I say potatoes.
  7. J

    First time shellac...

    Hello all, I have had some shellac flakes sitting staring at me for some time and want to mix some of them tomorrow for a first attempt at a shellac finish on a cabinet. Can anyone recommend what the correct weight in g to ml of methylated spirit is ? I can't seem to understand this 1/4lb cut...
  8. J

    Mike Pekovich and his Muntins

    Hello All, Sorry becoming a perpetual topic starter here. Taking inspiration on a small panel that I've been working on and like mike Pekovich's work very much. On many his panels he seems to use "muntins" to break them up. What is interesting is that he uses the muntins both with and across...
  9. J

    Decent redwood supplier in South-Oxfordshire...

    Looking for a few straight 4x2 or 4x4 2.4m lengths to build a shop display out of - we wanted to use hard wood but the cost is out of this world. Can anyone recommend a decent supplier in South Oxfordshire?
  10. J

    Trim router table for MFT

    Derek - any plans for this table? I know the construction is fairly self explanatory but would be interested to see what your master mind decided on. Looking to build something similar.
  11. J

    End grain chopping board

    But I don't like eating little bits of plastic with my food... so for restaurant hygiene with busy bodies issuing silly hygiene ratings maybe...but for my house no way.
  12. J

    Tannin marks after Oak glue up

    Interesting - I actually was grinding down some old chisels today and cooling them in the water bucket which I then used to clean the joints with. Really remarkable that this made that much difference. Annoying but good bit of learning...and hopefully I can get it off without too much drama...
  13. J

    Tannin marks after Oak glue up

    Never had this problem before, but working in some American oak this week on a small table and after wiping away the glue with a damp brush like I usually do I've ended up with what I think are tannin stains. Drat and double drat!!! For now that means lots of fiddling sanding to do...I'm assume...
  14. J

    Cedar of Lebanon Sapwood

    Great knowledge on the sapwood not containing any of the perfume - I had no idea. Cut it up yesterday and thought initially when it hit the bandsaw that I had the wrong species - and then remember what you'd said. Vyer interesting - this forum continues to be a wonderful resource of knowledge,
  15. J

    Bowl Shaped router bit to make a fluted panel?

    Cheersfor the help - found some bits which will work with my router. Have a good jig so will try it out. Thanks Joe
  16. J

    Cedar of Lebanon Sapwood

    Hi Richard, I just love the smell of the wood to be honest - I use it in all my furniture for no other reason. Makes me nostalgic for my grandfather's workshop. I normally have bought pre sawn panels in the past.
  17. J

    Bowl Shaped router bit to make a fluted panel?

    I need to make a fluted panel out of white oak for a piece I am working on and have come across panels like this on the internet. I have searched around and can't seem to find a decent router bit which will produce this effect. Am I being especially dim or is this some kind of dark magic?
  18. J

    Cedar of Lebanon Sapwood

    Hello all, Have a piece of straight sawn cedar of Lebanon I was planning to make a draw bottom out of this morning and was just setting up the bandsaw when it struck me that I was about to use lots of the sapwood. I've posted a picture of the piece I have - should I only be using the darker...
  19. J

    Is there a definitive pillar drill - new or used - that is better than the Bosch PBD40 for the same money?

    I like my PBD40 - it feels to me like a solidly made and well thought through machine.
  20. J

    Home library

    Let's see It filled with books!