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  1. O

    Gaming PC advice?

    Build your own, get windows off cdkeys or somewhere for a tenner. Steam is great, I never pay much for games they have amazing sales quite often. He will be gaining a machine that does more than just play games and it will play them better than an xbox in general. By building it yourself you...
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    Which CNC router for aluminium sheet?

    Fusion 360 will do the cam no problem it will limit your maximum cut and rapids speed as far as I remember unless you subscribe. This limitation may be unimportant to you as it will still work fine. You can "post" to mach 3 or UCCNC or any number of other machines and standards. So Fusion will...
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    Which tape measure?!!

    I see loads of votes for the Vice versa but the last ones I bought had a new and annoying hook design that protrudes sideways quite a lot and I just can`t get on with it. The other one I like is the stanley one with the window in the top for exact internal measurements, I have one but not seen...
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    Which CNC router for aluminium sheet?

    Leadscrews are fine for accuracy purposes and better than belts. The advantage of ballscrews is more the longevity and easy peasy maintanance.
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    Which CNC router for aluminium sheet?

    Ok as you already have a mill and it is strictly for thin aluminium. I think the ooznest style kit would be capable of cutting it. However it is my opinion that you still should not buy one unless cheap and second hand. My issue with the design is mostly the fact that it runs on an aluminium...
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    Which CNC router for aluminium sheet?

    This is true but I know how these things go. You will start by doing a bit of 2mm sheet then, you know, since you have a cnc machine you will start making other stuff pretty quick. This is why I think it is important to decide what you really want to do, not just the first job but the 10th job...
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    Which CNC router for aluminium sheet?

    I suggest a second hand industrial machine over a home style machine like a workbee etc. A smaller machine is easier to keep stiff and that is important. For metal machining you will probably want coolant and so will need some kind of tank and pump system and chip tray. This would lean more...
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    Carveco Maker Plus v VCarve

    Another vote for vcarve pro and fusion 360. The carveco software looks really good and if money were no object I would like the pro version. It is a continuation of the old autodesk ArtCam. For me I dislike subscription`s and that is why I like vectric, I started with vcarve desktop, upgraded...
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    Which tape measure?!!

    Shinwa fit gear kiwadashi, is my new favourite. Printed both sides metric only, good quality, easy to read, nice hook. No magnet which I personally prefer, you can use any tiny rare earth magnet though. I used to love the Vice Versa ones but they changed the hook to a great big monstrosity and I...
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    PIR + Switch + LED Outdoor Lights

    I have a light with a microwave sensor in the workshop loo, works through the wall surprisingly. Might be able to get a sensor on its own. I used it because I didn`t want a switch in there so not sure how it would work with a switch.
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    Need advise on CNC production.

    No issue with Birch specifically, it is a nice wood. Perhaps birch ply would be good for reasons of stability and ease of machining big sheet at once. The production using boards of solid wood would involve making up a bunch of specific sized blanks which is another process. Each process adds...
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    Making large wooden garage door

    Yes, full tenons on the rails and stiles. On the diagonal braces I think I did one large domino on each end, just to keep it flat during assembly.
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    Making large wooden garage door

    I was going to say the same as @johnnyb about the braces. Here is a door I did as example. You just make a little mdf jig to router the pocket out. Does anyone know why the pictures don`t show in the body of the message I just inserted them as normal ??
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    Makers Central 2025 Help !

    That could be an expensive day !!
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    Makers Central 2025 Help !

    Can`t help with exibiting but I think I will visit the show, almost went last year but couldn`t get there. I do wonder if you should contact Jason heap who used to run the Celebration of craftsmanship and design shows in Cheltenham. This was the place to see the real pinnacle of bespoke...
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    Need advise on CNC production.

    You could do this on a cnc but as said above it won`t stay that accurate because its wood. Looking at it I would be inclined to use the cnc to cut the outer shape out with a spiral compression bit then make up an accurate jig for the pillar drill to do the holes. The reason being the holes and...
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    43" TV recomendations?

    Pretty much all tvs will have a 60hz refresh rate, some may have more and pc monitors often have way more like 165hz etc. 60 hz is fine. I would not worry too mich about the processor speed, all will be better than your old one I suspect. OLED is fantastic but possibly not worth the money, it...
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    43" TV recomendations?

    I must disagree about the sound quality, most of the tvs are so skinny now there is only room for crappy speakers which despite modern technology still sound rubbish. I recommend a soundbar and sub woofer as a minimum. People forget about pixel density. I have a 1440p monitor which is unusual...
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    Sash window profiling and spindle moulders

    Ah, don`t know anyone in Somerset for units I know there was a good one in Bristol but can`t remember the name of them. I usually prefer Utile as it has less interlocking grain. You may well be able to cut them out of one piece. If you select a nice wide board, plain sawn preferably you can...
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    43" TV recomendations?

    Another factor is what "operating system" it runs. I can only fit a 43 inch tv in the place where our tv lives and have been looking at a 4k Roku tv because we have been using a little Roku box for years since ditching Virgin and quite like it. Unfortunately my 20 year old Samsung 1080p telly...