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  1. O

    ATC Setup Video

    I share your scepticism about its possible thread alignment issues and I was thinking about dust and stuff getting in there. Most proper atc spindles do an air blow before grabbing the toolholder to keep everything clean. I just found it interesting. This one is quite interesting, although I...
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    Spray booth?

    Built mine using a squirrel cage type fan inside a big MDF box. These fans are supposedly better in this type of operation. I think it is a 750 watt motor and is pretty hefty. When you turn it on it sucks the door in against the seal. I use spray booth media to filter it in 2 layers, outside is...
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    Sash window renovation

    Sash windows come out to the inside. So not sure why scaffold was needed. I do full refurbs including replacement cills all from inside. Take out the staff bead, just one side will be enough unless replacing it all anyway. Then, swing the lower sash away, put a pin in each cord by the pulley (...
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    ATC Setup Video

    These guys have another option which does away with the normal tapered ISO or BT system with air operated pullstuds. Instead it seams to use a standard spindle which is used to screw and unscrew the collets inside the holder. No idea if its any good but it does mean you don`t need to buy a very...
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    Sash window profiling and spindle moulders

    Ha ha . my links not so useful over there. I would say the hybrid polymer stuff would still be a bit better than the butyl but does work better when it can be painted over. Even if using beading you can add a little extra fillet over the top to add a good bit of extra seal between bead and glass.
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    Sash window profiling and spindle moulders

    I have not had any issue with them failing. I have been using similar products for a very long time. First of all it was dryseal by repair care as it used to be the only one but then the patent ran out or everyone else caught up. I must have done some 12 years ago and they are fine. The thing...
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    Anybody use a itech cnc?
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    Anybody use a itech cnc?

    These are sold by several brands, not horrible value if you get one on sale. It is hard to find small machines with proper ATC units. However, you can buy various atc setups depending on your requirements. The most expensive single component is the atc spindle itself. The other variable is the...
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    Japanning Recommendations

    I restored a record 5 1/2 a while ago and had to strip it right down. I used a spray enamel in a can, mainly because it was just the right record blue. Once ready I degreased everything and masked of the non painted bits. One coat of etch primer and 3 or 4 coats of enamel was a surprisingly good...
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    best placement of worktop seams

    I think it should be ok because its a solid surface material which will be joined with a very tight joint and hopefully dowels/ pins and some sort of backing rods to support it. I do wonder why they suggested this particular spot, could be due to raw material available, quite likely they could...
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    Vacuum bed for CNC?

    If you cut all the way through then you will probably want the type with a thin mdf top over the actual vacuum grid. make sure to take 0.5mm off either side of the mdf so it becomes more porus. There are also smaller vacuum pods. I have seen loads of people make their own vacuum beds from MDF or...
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    Skirting issues help

    Those painters should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves. There is one filler I like for this sort of thing called toupret tx 110. It is a powder filler they sell it in toolstation. Sands very easily and sets quick. Hook out the caulk or whatever is in there now as best you can. Mix up the...
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    Help – quick survey for a tool you never even dreamed about!

    Well I am intrigued, certainly.
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    Making an architects plan chest, how can I strengthen the drawer?

    I say make it with a central rib running front to back, I have an old linen press with drawers done like this. Maybe 1200mm wide, 600mm deep. The "rib" is about 50mm wide by 12mm thick, the panels are beveled to slot in the tongue, it is dovetailed to the front and back.
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    vacuum bag dpm?

    What about those vacuum bags used for storing clothes under the bed, I have often wondered how much clamping force they could make. I guess any plastic would technically work if you can seal it up but some might be too thick to conform to the shape and some too thin to take the pressure. I have...
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    Good patio / moss cleaner

    Patio magic works ok for me, I do it once a year. I tried pressure washing it one year but our slabs are quite coarse and I think it made the problem worse somehow by eroding some of the surface and making a nicer place for algea to cling on to. Now I just do patio magic from a watering can to...
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    Mental Health benefit of woodwork

    I think there is great points here, I agree there is something to the physical activity thing. I have always hated running unless its for a sport and I have a slightly dodgy knee but I do lift weights which suits me better and stops my back from hurting, one of the benefits of weight lifting is...
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    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    Nice work, I bought a bunch of those covid systainers as well, some of my original ones are getting knackered and I need to get organized. I like your rack design, its nicer than the normal plywood slabs. That might be my drawing, if so glad to see it put to such good use. Ollie
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    Sliding barn door track without joins - where to purchase?

    Possibly true, but I think this is worse on small wheel types. With nice big wheels (some have rubber tyres ) I am not sure it would be that obvious. Ours has the wheels in pairs which may also lessen the effect. Have a look at ironmongery direct and hafele.
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    The China Effect

    Mafell will be better but also more expensive. That is why I have some Festool stuff, can`t quite justify the Mafell. Not sure either are status symbols just properly made stuff. A woodworking status symbol would be a Holtey Plane or something, very Rolls Royce in a perfection at any cost sort...