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  1. O

    Repairing & Levelling Concrete Floor In New Workshop

    My workshop is inside an old barn with a deliberately sloping floor. The previous guy who had it basically just built a complete insulated building inside the barn starting with levelling the floor, there is about a 400mm step at the front. Just joists and chipboard t and g, I have some heavy...
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    compressible bulb (cylindrical) weatherstrip for 1930s casement windows?

    The 21 is a wiper and / or compression seal, the 63 is a compression seal. When using the 63 which is normally in the rebate of the frame you are reliant on the compression privided by the fit of the window or door and the force applied by the handle or lock. If you use the 21 in the casement...
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    compressible bulb (cylindrical) weatherstrip for 1930s casement windows?

    I would say just buy the AQ21 router bit and use that, it works a treat and you know it will fit straight in. You can fit the AQ21 in a saw kerf but the bit takes a little extra shoulder out which is nicer and allows a smaller gap. However, if you know the size of the groove and gap then go on...
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    Sash window profiling and spindle moulders

    Nice work, I just get paranoid about damaging the edge of that corner. I know I would knacker at least one of them.
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    EV owners - Car Tax

    This is quite a fascinating thread it shows quite stark differences in opinion. It is possible that in some way everyone is partially correct and there are good points from both sides. I am not anti EV at all, some of them are amazing vehicles and I may indeed buy one at some point, if they...
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    Sash window profiling and spindle moulders

    Because it does not look the same as traditional putty. There is a way make the mouldings in "reverse" where the glass is put in from inside and the outside is shaped like a triangle to give the appearance of putty then the inner moulding is fixed on the inside. I am not keen on this because...
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    VOIP, alternatives to Skype?

    I use the whatsap voice calling over wifi on my phone quite often when getting poor mobile signal.
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    Accurate drilling

    Normally to find the centre you can use a simple jig with 2 pins and a guide hole directly between them. If both pins are touching then the drill is in the centre. I have a star M drill guide that works this way. Not great at the end of things because you need to register both pins.
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    Using Landvac vacuum glazing in modern casement windows

    They are not too obvious but definitely more noticable on the white. Worth it for the performance I guess, surprised they have not developed a clear dot, must be a reason.
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    Heavy Duty Grass

    Not sure any grass will stand up to 20 kids rampaging about on it daily, sounds like you want tarmac :)
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    Using Landvac vacuum glazing in modern casement windows

    I am intrigued to see these actually used, I was just looking at the other ones called Fineo where they are actually glass welded together and claim the same thermal insulation as triple glazing in a 7mm unit. The 13mm plug on the landvac is too big for the project I am looking at. Be...
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    EV owners - Car Tax

    It never did make sense to me that EV`s got cheaper tax, they are heavy and damage the roads just as much as anyone else. They already avoid fuel duty. It is just the government trying to force everyone to buy ne EV`s which they decided to encourage in the belief it will clean up the planet...
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    SCM T110 spindle moulder manual help?

    Does it change with different cutters ? Some of my cutter blocks are noisier than others it is just the wind created. Did you move the fence position or add a sub fence ?
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    Bathroom ceiling paint peeling

    The product needed is an adhesion primer like Tikirilla otex ( the oil based one ), it really will stick to almost everything and is nice thick and opaque. A coat or two then a denib and whatever topcoat you want.
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    To Spray or Not To Spray : That is the question

    I have sprayed the Tikirilla and I would definitely use the oil based Otex primer, the water based version is not for outside. It sprays nicely through my Kremlin and de nibs very well, the topcoat is Valti I think which is waterbased. I dislike the Teknos paint for spraying as it is impossible...
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    Does anyone offer a CNC service to create wooden inlays?

    This need to be done with a v carve inlay technique, ideally you will need to provide a vector file ( .SVG ) of the image, these files are scalable. A jpeg is not ideal, it can be converted but with varying results depending on the image, a black and white image is easiest to convert. I would...
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    Moisture meter suggestions

    I looked into this a while ago, I will buy a Wagner once I can afford it. The Extech non contact ones look good and the Protimiter are well reviewed but they are similar prices to the Wagner ones. The difference between the models seems to be the penetration depth and number of materials/...
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    AA-AAA Batteries

    Non rechargable batteries are just crazy as far as I can tell. We have been using rechargeable aa and aaa batteries for years the kids have tons of things that need them. I only have one charger that will do 4 at a time ( technoline BL700 ) but always keep a bunch ready to go. I must have saved...
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    These headlight 'cleaning' hacks....

    It might if only lightly oxidised but on heavier yellowing the wet and dry is needed and much quicker.