Search results for query: oxalic acid

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  1. Jacob

    Robert Thompson (mouseman) - occasional table

    Looks like what you might get with iron and damp oak. Any grindstones in the vicinity? Oxalic acid might do it.
  2. B

    Robert Thompson (mouseman) - occasional table

    No, But it was stored upstairs in our loft space! Ooops.
  3. T

    Parquet Floor Restoration Issue

    As an example of using oxalic acid to help with stain removal see here If you still have any of the parquet blocks from the hallway you could test the approach on that to see if it works with the staining you have
  4. Peter Sefton

    Tannin marks after Oak glue up

    Might sand out, if not use oxalic acid. Might be caused by recent iron work in the workshop, can come from some abrasives, dirty cloths or water. Make sure everything is clean. Cheers Peter
  5. T

    How to clean the rust marks ?

    Powdered barkeepers friend contains some oxalic acid which helps. Otherwise wire wool and wd40 if that’s what you have
  6. X

    Dark water stains on solid wood.

    I agree with the above use of oxalic acid. Any chemical should be handled with care I have used oxalic for more than 45 years without any problem. Oxalic acid is found in rhubarb (maybe explains why I can't stand the stuff!).
  7. A

    Oak Writing Desk

    ...Screwfix before and it was astonishingly effective. A carbide scraper with a replaceable blade was also very useful. If you want to get out stains / fading you could try using oxalic acid. What are you thinking of finishing it with? I find linseed oil looks very good on this sort of...
  8. B

    Restore wood colour after stripping

    ...effect to ammonia fuming. I used citric acid to reduce the stain but it is still very visible. I tried Barkeepers Friend next (given it's Oxalic Acid content) but that made no difference. I have sanded the stain in one area but it required quite a bit of sanding to get to the original colour...
  9. K

    Finishing gazebo

    ...the timber to the surface only to be trapped behind the varnished finish. After some advice I received from edufvdb (thank you) I tried oxalic acid. After I removed the varnish I applied the oxalic acid and although it removed the majority of the stains on the areas I tried There are still...
  10. Chubber

    Parquet Floor Restoration Issue

    ...people who think they know what they are doing and are professional purveyors of bovine ordure. I do understand your disapointment. An oxalic acid bleach over the entire floor, followed by a neutraliser and 48 hours airing would have been the way to go. It should have been...
  11. B

    Cleaning oak doors

    Oxalic acid should remove the water marks As for the wax, i believe white spirit works, or a hair drier to warm it and then wipe it off to remove the worst of it.... I'd imagine a light go with a card scraper woukd work too
  12. mrpercysnodgrass

    Removing marks

    ...antique it should be shellac and should come off easily with meths and fine wire wool. You will then need to bleach out the stains with oxalic acid then refinish. or liberon oxalic acid...
  13. mrpercysnodgrass

    Dark water stains on solid wood.

    Hi Michael, This is the stuff that will do the job. Just be aware, oxalic acid is very poisonous so take care if you have young children or pets. Rinse off with plenty of water once the stains are gone, you will probably have to sand...
  14. Froggy

    Removing marks

    Are you local Mr. Snodgrass?
  15. X

    Cleaning oak doors

    Agree with Dee J. Oak and wirewool do not agree with oneanother! Scotchbrite sanding pads only.As above white spirits to clean off wax and oxalic acid to bleach out marks. For large surfaces I have used the scotchbrite pads to apply the wax.
  16. D

    Cleaning oak doors

    Wire wool on oak? Risking black staining if any fibres/debris remains in the grain.... Perhaps Scotch-Brite would be safer. But definitely oxalic acid to remove staining.
  17. C

    Cleaning oak doors

    Done it loads of times and never had a problem, obviously you need to vacuum, but in reality you would have to be pretty careless, and how damp is the wood?
  18. E


    ...was still drying or exposure to the sun made it "work" and the paint cracked. Apart from sanding the damaged varnish away you could try oxalic acid to clear the stains out of the wood (less sanding). Make sure you rinse the residue well and dry before painting again. As for the finish in my...
  19. R

    Is this Tanin staining?

    Oxalic acid, hmmm. Maybe we should wrap our oak bowls in rhubarb leaves for a few days.
  20. D

    Mould growing after using water based filler on wood floor

    ...over remains of staples, tacks and other random bits found in old floors - then you've set up the classic situation for black staining to occur. While oxalic acid can lighten such staining, if my suggested diagnosis is correct, it may reccur because the iron/steel is still there in the mix.