Search results for query: oxalic acid

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  1. B

    How can I repair/remove a dark water stain on Oak laminate worktop?

    Oxalic is also used as grp cleaner, comes from rhubarb. It works on a lot of stains including rust and weathering, so you can often get grey weathered oak back to fresh oak colour. It also does well when the bacteria in the grain turns black. For best results, sand away around any finish to...
  2. M

    Bleaching Wood

    oxalic acid is what I've used before to bleach wood
  3. T

    Black stains after stripping oak table - any suggestions?

    ...based golden oak for the whole lot and then use a slightly darker shade of oak to blend the shades till legs and top match. By the way oxalic acid is pretty good for clearing dark stains unless the stains are pigmneted. You could try using a small brass wire wheel thingy in a dremel which...
  4. J

    Finish for oak that in a bathroom (Belfast sink stand) water. Should some black staining occur, depending on the duration it’s left untreated etc, it may be possible to remove it with Oxalic acid crystals mixed with hot water applied to the area. It should then be neutralised with water and maybe baking soda. You can use vinegar/acetic acid...
  5. T

    Staircase treads...

    ...completion... Hoping to update soon but I haven’t done anything further on the treads yet. Keen to see results of any more experiments you do! I have fewer dark blemishes and intended to fill these with dust / glue. The oxalic acid I’m hoping will lighten the area where the carpet has been.
  6. C

    How can I repair/remove a dark water stain on Oak laminate worktop?

    Thats great, I'll take a look online and see where I can get it from. Appreciate your quick reply. Cheers.
  7. T

    Black stains after stripping oak table - any suggestions?

    ...We like the darker grain detail on the top so that won't be a problem - it is the legs that just look patchy. Anyway, let's see how the Oxalic acid works. The whole purpose of the exercise is to get away from the dark finish, hence striving to solve the problem rather than cover it up...
  8. C

    How can I repair/remove a dark water stain on Oak laminate worktop?

    Thats great Dee J, I'll take a look online and see where I can get it from. Appreciate your quick reply. Cheers.
  9. C

    How can I repair/remove a dark water stain on Oak laminate worktop?

    Hi Morris, Oak is the only type of wood I've tried this on, so can't really say. It certainly worked well on my oak stain though. Had to use a very fine sand paper when dry and the finish job is 90% good.
  10. T

    Staircase treads...

    I’ve got some epoxy but consensus on here was PVA would be fine. Some of the cracks I have to deal with are fairly bad...
  11. P

    Bleached oak.

    Not at all sure - but an Antique Restorer friend "lightens" all timbers with OXALIC ACID. Oxalic Acid Crystals PURE GRADE Chemical Powder ALL SIZES including 1KG | eBay ( N. B. !!! - Add Crystals to Water - NOT WATER TO CRYSTALS ! ) - Then paint it on Outdoors & watch it until the timber...
  12. mrpercysnodgrass

    Restoring 18C longcase clock case

    ...immediately afterwards with a nail brush under running water. A very good solution for cleaning brass fittings especially gilded ones is oxalic acid dissolved in warm water with a good squirt of washing up liquid and a few drops of ammonia. Let the fitting sit in the solution for five minutes...
  13. T

    Maple and Tung oil the grain which makes the wood look dark. Otherwise it looks ok. The only ways to fix that would be sand back a bit and bleach with oxalic acid to even the colour out a bit. If it gets too light a little stain something like golden oak (not too much) to give it a little bit of a vintage...
  14. T

    Black stains after stripping oak table - any suggestions?

    Thanks for the info on the stains. The "finishing" was due to be phase two, but as you point out, the new staining could end up solving the problem with the old residue.
  15. T

    Black stains after stripping oak table - any suggestions?

    ...are round and it would probably take forever by hand. - I tried Wood Bleach but hasn't touched them. - Could it be tannin - I will try Oxalic Acid crystals- but is it likely to be tannin? Also, the dark patches look much worse when the legs are wet (as you can see in one of the legs which...
  16. Sean Hellman

    How can I repair/remove a dark water stain on Oak laminate worktop?

    ...1 inch diameter bolts went through the wood you would get blue black staining up to 14 inches from the bolt. It looked bad and spoilt the beautiful orange of the douglas fir. Paint the oxalic acid on, and within minutes the wood was all the same colour. Its like magic and never ceases to...
  17. P

    Staircase treads...

    ...grime over the years and stand out a lot when wet, so assume they will also when the finish goes on. did you have much luck with oxalic acid? Wondering if it will remove these little blemishes. I’ve tried sanding and scrubbing with wire wool and white spirit but they won’t budge. I’ve...
  18. S

    Oak tannin stains?

    ...sure it is staining from steel wool residue - in my experience this is more black and the stains here are brown. (Also, some of the wood I fitted and finished and did not use any steel wool). I will get some oxalic acid (AG Woodcare is an excellent place near to us) and give that a try. Cheers
  19. P

    Lightening treated wood.

    ...and there are some green spots on some of the wood. I’d like to lighten it up a bit and then use Osmo oil on it to protect. Any ideas on this ? I’d thought of using oxalic acid maybe but haven’t done this before will it bring it up lighter than is ? Thanks for any experience and ideas.
  20. Inspector

    Disaster reaction cleaning kitchen island oak

    Oxalic acid is used to remove ink or iron stains in oak furniture. It bleaches the stains out to almost white and when cleaned and dried is stained to match the surrounding wood for refinishing. Take the necessary precautions with the Oxalic acid to protect your eye, lungs and skin. Pete