Search results for query: oxalic acid

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  1. A

    re-finishing oak gates

    ...wool... I have iron hinges, bolts and screws too... seems like I made a complete 'pigs ear' of this... Thanks for the advice. I was wondering if it was sulphur from the rain that was causing it so you have put me straight. I'll try the oxalic acid on a small bit and see what happens. ciao...
  2. A

    removing black stains from oak

    I used some oxalic acid on some water/aged/stained oak to get rid of water marks and some metal marks, not with much success, maybe a bit too hasty. Quite dangerous stuff. :D Jaco - forgot to log in :oops: :oops:
  3. Chris Knight

    Bleaching a Front Door. Advice needed

    ...will probably do so (two applications are more effective than stronger solutions in almost all woodstainig/bleaching operations) . Oxalic acid and chlorine bleaches are most unlikely to work satisfactorily for your application - whatever the labels or the retailers say. This stuff has a...
  4. Newbie_Neil

    re-finishing oak gates

    ...wool to rub them down? Do you have any bolts in the gates and is it worse around them? You need to clean it up and then coat it with tung oil or garden furniture oil. IIRC oxalic acid can be used to clean it. Perhaps someone else can confirm or suggest another way of cleaning it. Cheers Neil
  5. Alf

    removing black stains from oak

    Manny, David Charlesworth has a small bit about removing stains with oxalic(?) acid in his column in this month's F&C. Might be worth a quick browse in Smith's if you don't subscribe? I don't have it by me, or I'd give you a quick run down (and check which evil liquid it is) Cheers, Alf
  6. Chris Knight

    When a dye job goes wrong - Terry, possibly?

    Ike, Oxalic acid is excellent for removing the black stains caused when iron stains woods with a high tannin content like oak and cherry - it doesn't have to be metals like screws, the iron in tap water is enough so spills etc can cause them. It is not very good for bleaching most dyes. For...
  7. A

    re-finishing oak gates

    Finally I started trying to cleanup the gates - only to hit a few problems. Oxalic acid didn't work very well. High-pressure hose didn't work very well. Sanding it back was awful. All three left a really poor quality finish with lots of black streaking still visible... So I put on my thinking...
  8. Chris Knight

    Finishing Oak

    ...- when the bits of iron that come off will surely react with the tannins to create black stains. You can then learn to bleach them with oxalic acid of course! I hate wire wool and have given up on it totally. It self destructs and puts a dust/grit of iron onto any workpiece and some is oily...