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    Sarhole Mill

    Hi All. If you are near Birmingham at the weekend. The Ferrers Household re-enactment group will be woodworking/metalworking at the Middle earth festival. Making things that you would normally do in a workshop. But We do it, in the middle of a field! I'll be casting pewter there.
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    Google's Pizza

    and unfortunately true. (Almost) (I hope)
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    Sometimes you wish you'd not passed a comment to a neighour

    The Ferrers household re-enactment group Has a spinner in it. We did a week long Job at Kenilworth castle in 2005. She had a raw fleece with her and it stank! so we put her at the far end of the village. by the end of the week she had two balls of wool thread. She carded, cleaned and spun the...
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    If I wanted to learn Blacksmithing, where do I start?

    If anyone is near Bolsover castle over the bank holiday, The Ferrers Household will be there with our forge and other arizan crafts. Come and see how your ancestors made things!
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    Yes Insurance must be told as It's a modification to the car. It's usually a couple of quid more, sometimes free. Bonus is, It will cover the trailer third party if it does any damage, e.g you cut a corner and take a wall out. Not all anti snake systems are on the ball, I use a blade stabilizer...
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    If you are only going to tow a trailer, I wouldn't bother with an Alco hitch, a normal one will be fine. Alco balls , if used with a caravan, should NEVER have grease on them as it will ruin the pads on the hitch
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    Jigsaw Blades - Straight Cut - Plywood (Hardwood)

    I know it's not a jig saw but for straight cuts I use a worx saw.
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    Rare and broken circular sock knitting machine

    That looks a nice little museum. I may pop over to see it myself!
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    Trailer tyres!

    Yes I do own a caravan, Small single axle swift of 1992 vintage. I tow it a lot when I do re-enactments (shower is useful) I have had it for around 5 years so I have experience of using it. And yes I drive correctly with extension mirrors which are positioned correctly, Never exceed the caravan...
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    Trailer tyres!

    And potentially push the truck over into another lane? I saw this advice on a caravan forum ages ago. I thought it was bad advice then, and I haven't changed my mind
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    Rare and broken circular sock knitting machine

    Is it broken or missing? Have you seen another? what material is it made of? You could possibly have it cast
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    Festool Domino just blew up!

    I've done more than 40 mortices with my aldi jobbie! A classic example of expensive not necessarily better
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    Garage as workshop

    I can't see too clearly but where is your electricity consumer unit? I'm lucky, mines in the garage. I just ran a cable from that and put more sockets in.
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    Today's Safety Lesson...

    I think it defiantly shook his ring! Seriously, glad you are ok
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    Newbie's first powertools?

    We went on Sunday. Yep loads of tat for sale. Jim the pot and Colin of Lionheart replicas were the only people worth going for. some of our group were there, but you wouldn't have spotted us as we camp on the other side of the battlefield and chill out.
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    Welding a tool.

    My first thought was, for the cost, throw it away and get another. But then I thought that (a) you did a friend a favour. (b) you enjoyed the challenge of improving the tool, (c) what else did you have to do for the half hour and finally (d) You saved him £3.26p! Good on you. Reuse, Recycle
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    Newbie's first powertools?

    Hi Tasky. Sword racks, Armour stands. Do you do re-enactment by any chance. I'm with the Ferrers Household based in the Midlands. Do you ever come up to Bosworth? You can't miss our group, we are the ones with the fences! If you do make a medieval coffer, for gods sake give the surface a going...
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    A4 Locomotive, completely awe stricken!

    Has it had a repaint? The last time I saw it. I'm sure it was silver
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    Ideas On What I Could Make This Roof From Please

    What about a ridge tile? I don't know how big they are as mine are on the roof!
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    Sharpening of Chisels (again!)

    But also you have to think of yourself and your time. You have enough with marking and other ofstead crap. Quick and easy must be the way to go. My girlfriend was a business studies teacher, Two strokes later, she decided that maybe she had worked too hard.