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  1. N

    Burns marks from router

    Most just use the round over though rather than still leaving a sharp arris to deal with.
  2. N

    Cutting solid engineered hardwood door to length?

    it's not a veneer it's a cap at 3mm thick. yer I know, but that's their argument.
  3. N

    Cutting solid engineered hardwood door to length?

    they are still wood inside, just not 1 complete piece. instead it's lots of little bits glue together. the main issue with cutting more than 6 mm of a face is that these become exposed, and as they aren't exactly laid in identical orientation, the moisture can mean funny expansion and...
  4. N

    Stick welding help for a novice, please

    I just so love to see advice thats completly irrelevant to the problem. Damp rods. Nope that makes not a jot to why you are struggling. All that does is increase porosity because the hydrogen and oxygen in the water flash and gets drawn in to the bead as well as mucking up the inert atmosphere...
  5. N

    Burns marks from router

    high tannin woods and woods with lots resin in will burn more easily, I find beech to be especially bad for it. especially across the grain. The usual fix is to take shallow passes. with a bearing guided bit I'd usually wrap a bit of tape round the bearing for the first cut then take a spring...
  6. N

    How to level a (Slighty) wonky shed base

    30mm over 4m, leave it alone, it will allow for run off.
  7. N

    Cavity wall insulation and window replacement

    get the walls checked by someone with no vested interest in installing cavity wall insulation. this comes from experience of having to pay 5k to have it removed after the previous owner had it installed in a property with a gable end that faces the prevailing weather and has a porous warrington...
  8. N

    2" x 72" UK?

    Jump, run, change weapon, spin and fire. the other is for later developments of the game.... sorry, I mean linisher.
  9. N

    2" x 72" UK?

    the main reason for a 2x72" is the ability to up the ft/m speed without overworking the abrasive, this means you can shift more metal from solid form to powder form in less time. I'm not in that much of a rush to be honest, so a I use a 100x900 belt sander for most tasks I need one for.
  10. N

    2" x 72" UK?

    are you sitting down? good are you laying down? good I believe he does ship to the UK.
  11. N

    Suggestions for budget £70 cordless drill and accessory drill bits

    Erbaur from screwfist. I was once known as the drill killer. Titan through dewalt via makita would tremble as i approached. Granted i dont work with them anymore but the 18v erbaur has stood the test of time were others have failed.
  12. N

    Pva for Iron on veneering

    Pva is pva. Only difference between that and your exuperantly priced titebond is the speical blend of erbs and spices added to play around with curing times and thickening agents. Fot a fiver, reckon its worth a try on a bit of scrap. Have to admit I've never seen the iron on method until the...
  13. N

    3D printer... with a difference

    Im having it put in my funeral plans that i want my coffin 3d printed.............. around me.......... at thed funeral. 😂 the 3 people who attend will be there forever (which might br the reason only 3 people like me enough to attend)
  14. N

    House keys problems

    Thats a Eurolock not a Yale. no wonder your key doesn't fit, the warding is completely different.
  15. N


    Ive been contemplating rhubarb wine. But i then moved towards a rhubarb and caramilised onion spiced chutney. My crop this year is pretty tiny so i will head to FILs allotment for a second stash at some point this week. The first stash went in to crumble as Yorkshire law dictates.
  16. N

    Looking into the darkside

    Even on site a block plane is a tool to have handy as a joiner. From knicking the aris of the edge of a door to quickly rounding over a window board having something that doesnt take a plug is a time saver. It also takes up nearly no room and can be left in your tote as you work round a...
  17. N

    variable speed

    Hairy fluff. Just trying to be helpful. 😀
  18. N

    variable speed

    hi Don. having taken a quick look at the 22" nutool, I have the same machine although it's badged as a clarke. I've never had an issue with it for cutting any thickness of stock and that includes metal work. it's not as aggressive as the hegner style of machine which I think is down to the long...
  19. N

    Furniture scriber branding outcome.

    nicely done Philip, any chance I can order a replica of the first one though? it's more in keeping with the aesthetic of my workshop. (just kidding).