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  1. B

    Using epoxy with Douglas Fir

    Hi folks, I want to use up some old Douglas Fir for the legs of a small workbench. The timber was first milled to about 9 x 9 many moons ago, and I quartered it about five years ago. Since then it has been in my shop, so it's aclimatised and is nice and dry. It always had shakes in it, up to...
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    Wooden bandsaw base.

    Ahhh! Is this it? Having a base like that, with that orientation wouldn't be an issue for me. As long as I got it far enough back out of the centre aisle. Which I'd have to. The first picture is the same aspect as mine, ATM, with the wall behind the blade. It's at the end of my bench, and a...
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    Wooden bandsaw base.

    Thank you John. The only machines I really need to move (except for cleaning behind) are my planer/thicknesser and my bandsaw. I have tried all sorts of layouts in this garage, but sooner or later, one piece of equipment gets in the way of another. The only clear space I have is a centre...
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    Notes on Sykes Timber@Atherstone- Can you PLEASE HELP?

    Ah well, I am 79 in February '18. I just checked my Plan box. All the B's are used up! :mrgreen: Thanks Bourbon. John
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    Notes on Sykes Timber@Atherstone- Can you PLEASE HELP?

    Cap'n, I never go anywhere else for timber for a special job. (When I was more involved.) I used to speak to a chap called Ben, who was always helpful; interested and certainly won't look down his nose if you are spending about £500.00, which I have usually done. , They are happy to let you...
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    Wooden bandsaw base.

    Hi folks. Thanks for the helpful responses. I will try to answer them in one go, but first, a little background on my problematic shop. It's a single-car garage seventeen feet by nine, and I could just about get my old Austin Cambridge in there. (But I couldn't get out of the car, as there...
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    Wooden bandsaw base.

    Hi folks : I want castors for my Startrite 351 bandsaw, but it seems anything I could buy would have only two castors that can swivel. I prefer four swivelling wheels. This morning, while tidying some off-cuts of 3 x 2 and 18mm MDF sheets, I had a :idea: moment. I remembered that the bottom...
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    I am sick of GLUG-UGGLE ruining everything they touch

    Why won't Google let me use the search function inside UKW? Is it the same Google that's ruined YouTube? Adverts, sponsors, jerky videos that look like 1900 newsreels, and video makers having to mention their sponsors, or else. I have a channel that I can't access, in order to edit it or post...
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    Staining Birch Ply

    Thanks Custard, Beau. If worst comes to worst, I'll just paint it with some crazy design, to appeal to the bright, young things. It's just a simple project to get my hand back in. I get a good foot-fall past my house, so it's easy enough to advertise the finished article as an 'unwanted gift'...
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    Staining Birch Ply

    Hi folks. Just for the heck of it, I want to re-purpose a pair of IKEA Moppe chests of drawers. They are made of Baltic birch ply. (I am informed!) I want to clean them up, stain them, beautify them, and and put them on a small English Cherry table-cum-stand. Probably a bit of overkill, but...
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    Low salt bread recipes

    None of the recipes in my bread machine manual call for more than a teaspoon of salt. How much lower salt would you go? Besides which it isn't the salt that causes the blood sugar hikes it's the starch in the wheat flour. I cant see such tiny amounts of salt affecting BP enough to cause alarm...
  12. B

    Coffee beans. How do I make them make coffee?

    On balance, I'll look into finding a good supplier of fresh-ground beans. I'll have to experiment with flavours I suppose. Plus, I have just come across a nice filter machine which will sit beside the bed all night, on timer. That way I can wake up to a fresh cup, ready to pour! Sets me up for...
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    Coffee beans. How do I make them make coffee?

    For Mr. Teroo, No, no interest in worrying about cholesterol. I am following a low-carb hi-fat diet, It takes a lot of cholesterol to make a person, and if you lower your levels too far, your liver merely produces a top-up! Lol! I tried to buy a filter coffee maker, but I couldn't find one on...
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    Coffee beans. How do I make them make coffee?

    I use gas for cooking, so I suppose I could stick my griddle iron on the jets, to use a pot on the stove? :idea: This all seems like an Alchemist's dream and a bit arcane. Usually I just like my coffee black; or on occasions I drop in some cream. But it's an interesting subject and I am...
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    Coffee beans. How do I make them make coffee?

    Same applies to tea Chris, where boiling water is concerned. Bring the water to the boil then let it go off the boil, and stand for about 15 seconds, before wetting the tea. I use that principle even for a teabag in a mug. I also warm the mug under the running hot tap first! Makes a difference...
  16. B

    Coffee beans. How do I make them make coffee?

    Much appreciated info. As I usually buy ground coffee and use my 'French Press', for a special drink, I think it now depends on which make I finally prefer. At the moment I am using Taylor's After Dark, and it makes me smile, so I guess it suits my palate. That's from the cafetiere of course...
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    Coffee beans. How do I make them make coffee?

    Hi folks, I want to try making my coffee from 'real' beans. After grinding them, how does one turn them into coffee? I am probably making myself look stupid, but the nearest I have come to making 'real' coffee is a filter machine, (in the 80s) and today's method of using a cafetiere. Also...
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    Calling all with an interest in Poetry

    It's just an I.I.I. Intermittent, intellectual, intermission. :oops:
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    Low salt bread recipes

    Yes indeed. At this rate i will be ordering a few bags and firing up the Panasonic! John
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    Low salt bread recipes

    +1 for arrrrgh! on the bovril/marmite!