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  1. B

    How To Cut Mitred or Mitre Dovetails WIP

    Great thread Custard. The mitre always adds class to a dovetail. Nice one. John
  2. B

    Petroleum blow torch.

    Well it's hardly rocket science as they say! :lol: :lol: :lol: Yes pardon me ! Hat, coat... See you folks! John (hammer)
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    shaker doors

    This is true SC. Except in woodwork there's always someone to say there's more than one 'proper' way to do most things. :lol: :lol: :lol: Cheers John (hammer)
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    shaker doors

    Good point JB. :D John (hammer)
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    Shaker Style Cabinet Side with flat inner face

    It depends upon what species you're talking about. Old oak boards are not usually as expensive as new Oak. I have a centre board from an oak log in my shop. It's just over 1 1/2 cubic feet. It cost me £25 maybe twenty years ago. (I think I've finally found a project that will suit it!) The...
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    Petroleum blow torch.

    Hi sideways. At the moment I don't have the equipment to clean up a blow lamp body. Other than elbow grease . :lol: At the moment I'm trying to sort out my shop so I can use it. The blow lamp can wait a little while longer. As you say it probably would look quite nice polished up and...
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    Petroleum blow torch.

    Hi Eric. Yes it would have been used for wiping joints and father-in-law certainly could wipe a joint. It was he who told me it was fuelled by petrol and he mentioned something about the flame being superior to paraffin. Whether that would have been heat or spread I don't really know. I just...
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    Shaker Style Cabinet Side with flat inner face

    10 ft scaffold boards brand new about 17 pounds at Wickes. Any good? I've not seen any of them I just came across them when I was thinking of a garden seat and plant container combined. I don't see any reason why they wouldn't be suitable for you. I hope that helps. And I hope memory is...
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    Petroleum blow torch.

    Thanks folks. I suppose it's like anything else. It's not the tool or the weapon or the mode of transport that's the problem. It's the user. I can't imagine a blow lamp being used as a decorative item. I suppose if I clean it up and leave it in the workshop in a prominent place then yes it...
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    Petroleum blow torch.

    In my garage, I've unearthed an old plumbers' blow torch, which is intended for use with petroleum. It's a bit dirty, but it would clean up suppose. Is it worth getting back into service? Would it be possible even; given that it might need spares? I can't see what make it is, but it belonged...
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    Shaker Style Cabinet Side with flat inner face

    May I suggest George Sykes in Atherstone? It isn't very far from where you are. If you approach them in the right way they might find you an offcut which they will be only too pleased to be rid of. Regards John (hammer)
  12. B

    Some questions on Japanese Chisels.

    Rob As you say Jim's shop was superbly kitted out. Just like mine; :lol: except mine is in a bit of a mess at the moment; not at all like Jim's place. :mrgreen: I am trying to decide whether or not I should make a smaller new workbench. The magnitude of that task is somewhat daunting at...
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    Some questions on Japanese Chisels.

    Well at the moment I am still embroiled in matters relating to my wife's pension. The world of the department of works and pensions seems to move extremely slowly. Hopefully it won't be long before I can get back in the workshop on a regular basis. When that happy day arrives I'm hoping to have...
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    Possibly daft MFT question

    If you buy a new MFT top, (Just the top) and a few of Peter's 'parf-dogs', that is all you need. Assuming you have the track saw already of course. You can make all the cuts you need without the protractor and mitre from the MFT. When I got my MFT, there weren't so many ideas on the go, so I...
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    What timber and treatment would you use for a garden gate?

    For my side entrance, 6' 6" gate I used Western Red Cedar for the frame. Cedar cladding was an expensive ask, so I made my own from ordinary floorboards, and routed a bead into the joints. I thought it looked 'more traditional' than the usual; V channel match-boarding. I gave the boards a...
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    Some questions on Japanese Chisels.

    I got to know Jim kingshott in the 90s. I had just retired and with more time on my hands was spending a lot of time in the shop and writing articles for woodwork magazines. I first got to know Jim personally at a woodwork exhibition at Wembley. He was there demonstrating Japanese chisels but...
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    Some questions on Japanese Chisels.

    Thank you Derek. I happened to come across an Antipodean on YT yesterday, and by chance he mentioned what 'Oire Nomi' meant. He also explained how to prepare the handle for use, on a new chisel. But I am obliged to you for the confirmation on the Japanese terminology. I did know about not...
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    Some questions on Japanese Chisels.

    Custard. Thank you for your response; and as usual I have learned something. I didn't know about the corrosion differences. I must remember should I buy Japanese chisels. As for rust itself: My shop is a single garage, and the 'business end' is actually in the confines of the house. The...
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    Some questions on Japanese Chisels.

    Thank you David. As you say Japanese chisels are harder, and as far as I know are made from two types of steel beaten together. I have seen the line of demarcation in the metal, at woodwork shows of course. If I get some of these chisels, I shall have to adopt a new sharpening technique too...
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    Some questions on Japanese Chisels.

    ED65, Thanks for the response. We are in tune on certain aspects. I well recall the advent of Japanese chisels, and the excitement over their 'superiority'. My sentiments were similar to yours. What had Western woodworkers used so successfully in the past? I was aware that Japanese workers...